Subject: ~What Will You Have To Sacrifice? Ask Blair...(Pic)

The People's Chemist
Making a Commitment Requires a Sacrifice...
Blair TPC
My 13 year old Blair is not a natural athlete.  

Wrestling comes very hard.  

He's horrible at gymnastics.  

And lacks flexibility...

These are the worst traits for a wrestler.

But he does have a unique set of superpowers:

He'a coachable, has laser focus and listens well.

I assured him that those are the perfect traits of a champion, win or lose.  

So, three years ago, we set out on the long road
of trying to place at "middle school state."

I signed him up as a 5th grader, after his first season...he went 1-2.  There were fits of tears and frustration.  He wanted to quit.

Ahhh...perfect.  You want to quit?  Because you are losing?


"You should be more afraid of not trying than losing!"

Then 6th grade came.  We signed up as an unattached wrestler, again.  

Same results, one win, two losses.

Blair reminded me, "that's 5 months of training, to go home a loser...."

"No, that's 5 months of training to learn how to keep fighting even when losing!  When you master that, you're ahead of 99% of the people who quit in life...your a lot closer now, congrats!"

...people quit going to school because they don't get the grades they expected.

They quit going to work because they don't like their boss...

They quit their marriages...

They quit on math, science, art...

The quit on everything!

"Blair, the world is filled with quitters - people who are ready to fight only when winning, but crumble into tiny pieces when the going gets tough.  They don't know how to fight when losing.  And that's when you need to be fighting the most!"

In an era where "pussification" is celebrated, we're losing
our best fighters to the weaker status quo...

Life is about comebacks, not winning and losing.

That's why Blair's in wrestling - to lear how to fight when losing, not how to win at wrestling.

And this year, as a seventh grader, we aimed to place at state, yet again.

Even more committed than the years prior, he had to learn sacrifice along the way.

There was the intense, fire-like pain of cauliflower ear that kept him up at night...

There was a sprained wrist...

There was a black eye...

Then there was the hematoma due to a small fracture on the cheek bone...

And there were the choices.

Are you injured or are you hurt?

If you're injured, you sit out.

"If you're hurt, you tape it, cover it, and suck it up to keep 
practicing.  After all, you've learned to fight even when
losing, you're ready for it!"

"Take time off, you miss the chance to win or place at
the state tournament."

There were tears, arguments and all out anger.  But the 
commitment necessitated the sacrifice.

He chose to fight on and laced up.

And with that, he blazed the brackets at this years state tournament to earn a 6th place medal.  He still lost some matches, pushing him down the winners bracket...but he never quit.  

And this year he has a title to show for it.

It's not bragging rights.  It'll be forgotten.  

But the lesson and the ability to keep fighting when losing will last forever.  That's going to come in handy as an adult...whether he's a teacher, biologist, pilot, poet or just a smart a#s who studies chemistry.  

It's the same in health...

You're going to have to fight for it.

This is especially true if you're trying to lose weight!

So many people have been losing the fat loss game for so long, they quit.

That's when the losing really piles up!

But, there's a way out!

My AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery Package is a 90 day program that guarantees results.  It teaches you how to master your hormones with 6 simple habits!

Currently, you get 20% off, plus all my education in books and CD's FREE!

Ready to lose 10 to 100 pounds?

Don't buy it just yet!

Read about it first at

Save big and lose big!  The only superpowers you need to succeed are being coachable, having focus and listening to direction!

This sale won't last forever!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S.  If you're not willing to make a commitment and sacrifice a few things along the way to master your weight and hormones, don't even think about starting The AM-PM Fat Loss package!  Only 6 habits, it still requires that you actually have the guts to follow through: 

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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