Subject: ~What Vitamin Pitchmen Don’t Tell You!


I can't sit quietly about this guy and say nothing...

In 1999, a ground-breaking audio tape was released to the public called
"Dead Doctors Don't Lie." Created by Dr. Joel Wallach, the audio exposed a
vital truth — that most diseases in humans are the result of gaping
nutrient deficiencies.

"The average lifespan of an MD is 58, while the lifespan of many cultures
without doctors is often over 100. That's why dead doctors don't lie," says
an online description of the tape.

I read this and thought, "Perfect. Finally, someone gets it." And it's still
being heavily circulated, today.

But after a little digging and research, I later discovered that Dr. Joel
Wallach peddles a line of supplements called "Youngevity"…the worst of
which appears to be something called "Beyond Tangy Tangerine," a liquid

A quick skim of the ingredients shows this is not a health supplement —
it's total f@#king garbage. Laced with maltodextrin, citric acid, natural
flavor and color, xanthan gum, CitriSweet (inulin, fructose, citrus peel
extract), stevia, it's not fit for a family pet."

Any moron can research the first ingredient to find that, "Several studies
have linked maltodextrin consumption to the suppression of ‘good
bacteria' in the digestive system. This potentially puts people who consume
a lot of the additive at risk for bacterial infections such as salmonella
or E.coli."

Then there's Citrisweet, a trade name for sugar. If something has added
sugar in it, it's not a health food.

It gets worse.

Tangy Tangerine has synthetic vitamin D-3 (as cholecalciferol), calcium
(gluconate, citrate), and folic acid (disguised as "Folate"). All three of
these are toxic, FAKES. They're drugs disguised as vitamins. And people
succumb to buying them all the time. (Read the shocking truth about
multi-vitamin products at

To the untrained eye, "Beyond Tangy Tangerine" might look like a healthy
product…but in reality its synthetic, pharmaceutical urine - made by the
very same drug companies that Dr. Wallach warns about.

Dr. Joel Wallach got it partly right…humans DO need the right nutrients
to avoid disease. Nearly every illness and disease can be tied back to a
lack of proper nutrition and poor lifestyle.

And he's definitely right that dead doctors don't lie! But drinking a
"supplement" filled with maltodextrin, fructose, and f#cking synthetic
vitamins isn't the way to get your nutrients!

Sadly, this type of supplement is the norm. Numerous other companies
sell similar products on the shelves of GNC and Whole Foods.

And this very fact is why The People's Chemist exists; to bully
crap companies and save consumers from synthetic fakes.

To help yourself, start reading labels, more closely!

Start with the ingredients list, not the nutrition table.

If the ingredient list shows any type of sweetener other than stevia, it's
garbage. Then move up to the nutrition label. If it has folic acid, calcium
or vitamin D listed, trash it.

What you're looking for are ingredients from nature!

Please read that again.

For example, my truly natural multi-vitamin Daily Dose contains things
like cayenne, bromelain, turmeric and boswellia. These deliver the
following nutrients:

- curcuminoids
- beta-carotene
- cobalt
- essential fats
- full-spectrum niacin
- zinc
- manganese
- B vitamins
- Memory preserving boswellic acids

See the stark difference? Synthetic, fake vitamin cause cancer, nature
does not!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Reading labels can stop cancer! Do it. Learn more at