Subject: What They Say about Stopping Pain!


  January 31, 2009

Short Term Use of OTC Pain Relief Causes Health to Tailspin (Testimonial show better way)

According to a recent study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, even short term use of acetaminophen can cause serious health problems for your liver.

Healthy participants with no sign of liver failure used acetaminophen at recommended doses for only four days. At the end of the four days, blood tests revealed significant increases in certain liver enzymes which have been shown in the past to be key indicators of serious problems and damage occurring in the liver.

The danger of OTC pain killers arises from their detrimental effect on the liver. Your liver is your number one weapon against toxic exposure. Just like it wards off a hangover, it can remove or neutralize toxins from the blood. It's also mandatory for boosting immunity and protecting the body from viral and bacterial infection. But it's not invincible. When it gets damaged, it leaks enzymes into the bloodstream. Your health tailspins!

There is a Better Way! Read what others say about using my RELIEF-FX

"My mother in law just received your Pain! She was in a minor car accident last March, which left her with pain in her shoulders and feet. She has been told it's arthritis, but also received unofficial diagnosises (opinions) of a possible torn rotator cuff and even accident-induced fibromyalgia! She still has not recovered, even after many therapies and rehabilitative exercises."

"In a desperate attempt for pain relief over the weekend, she opted for a prescription NSAID and half of a muscle relaxer for some relief (even after I finally convinced her to order your pain relief product). Mind you, she almost never takes pharmaceuticals and hasn't been on an antibiotic for over 20 years! She always tries to go the natural route and use food as her medicine. Sure enough, within a few short hours, she was in an ambulance suffering from severe vertigo and unbelievable nausea, feeling that she could pass out at any moment. Those drugs were the *ONLY* thing she had done different, yet the doctors in the ER refused to accept or admit that it was the drugs causing her this reaction. Needless to say, my hubby texted her "Just say NO to drugs!!" once she was feeling better."

"I am very happy to report she called me last night, ecstatic that your product was waiting for her at the door when she got home from work. She said she couldn't open it fast enough! As promised, your product delivered pain relief fast! She couldn't believe it! What peace of mind she had, after a hard lesson learned, knowing there would be no harmful side effects. She said she can't wait to share this with her doc, who was pressuring her strongly to take dangerous NSAIDs daily inorder to keep inflammation down. I am glad that she refused and will have your product to praise for her pain relief! My next challenge will be to get her to give a copy of your latest book to her Dr.!"

"Thanks for all you'll never look back on your life and regret the choice to help others help themselves and expose the medical lies that keep "the people" from abundant health!"

Sincerely and Gratefully,

- Joni

Physician Helps his Mother

"My mom past away recently at age 94 yo (July 13) and she knew the Lord, so I'll see her again. However, I neglected to thank you for the Relief FX for her post herpetic neuralgia."

"It worked moderately well where everything else [prescription drugs] was pretty much a bust."

"Her pain was at least moderately relieved. She died at peace with both my sisters at her side."

"It was bitter-sweet but I am grateful for some pain relief and I know she was appreciative as well. "

- Dr. David Sheridan, M.D.

Take the 16 minute Relief FX Challenge! If it doesn't stop pain in 16 minutes or less, it's FREE.

Stop pain fast, save your liver, save your life, save money with my 25% off sale at:
