Subject: What Oprah Should Do!

F O R  I M M E D I A T E  R E L E A S E

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Health-FX Nutraceuticals



Chemist Dictates What Oprah Should Do!

Santa Fe, NM, December 10, 2006 - Oprah Magazine recently declared that 5 million people in the USA suffer from "sugar shock" - and don't even know it!  Sugar shock is best defined as obesity, depression, type II diabetes and heart disease.  These pandemic killers creep up on people as a result of eating too much sugar - a habit, according to Reuters, that is associated with "affluence."  Medically it is known as insulin resistance. 

Two decades ago, insulin resistance affected a mere 30 million people worldwide, but as of 2006, it is a whopping 380 million - children being most at risk.  The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) warned that one in five born in the year 2000 will become slaves to sugar, disease and Big Pharma.

Insulin resistance is one of the chief public health challenges of the 21st Century and the leading cause of obesity in America; killing far more people than so-called AIDS/HIV. Sadly, we don't see any "pink ribbon campaigns" or educational promotions about this imminent health disaster. Nope.  Thanks to the food and beverage industries slick advertising, all we see is more sugar shoved down their helpless throats - about 160lbs per year!  Their healthier and happier ancestors only consumed 4lbs per year.

In an attempt to help people overcome insulin resistance, organic chemist and author Shane Ellison now offers a free fact sheet entitled "10 Habits for Automatic Fat Loss."  See the shocking photos of sugar shock survivors as well as his own "fat and after" photos here:

So effective and simple, he brazenly declares that if Oprah follows his "10 Habits for Automatic Fat Loss" that they will protect her from sugar shock and ongoing obesity caused by years of yo-yo dieting and blind faith in self-appointed "weight" loss gurus.  Further, she can stop using her "Boot Camp" program to push SplendaTM - the drug disguised as a sweetener - on her followers and begin using safe and natural stevia instead! 

An added bonus to his 10 habits, older men and women will obtain a libido akin to that of a 25 year old! 


A pharmaceutical chemist by education and trade, Shane reluctantly admitted his outrage concerning an article featured in Oprah magazine by Lisa Kogan.  Her doctor simply masked her symptoms of insulin resistance by injecting her with insulin, which is something that those who suffer from sugar shock already have too much of.  It's like adding gasoline to a raging fire!

He insists that commonly used prescription drugs for those who suffer from insulin resistance are NOT the answer!  In fact 9 out 10 anti-diabetic drugs such as GlucophageTM (metformin) exacerbate the problem of obesity, including insulin!  The underlying message of the article is that faulty genetics are at work among type II diabetics and people don't have to take responsibility for their illness. Instead, they should let Western Medicine mask their symptoms.  This is suicide in slow motion according to this rogue chemist.  Type II diabetes can be reversed with select habits while Western Medicine has proven woefully inadequate and deadly!

Reckless use of prescription drugs is exactly why Shane abandoned medicinal chemistry.  Prescription drugs kill and estimated 200,000 per year according to JAMA.  Recently, MSNBC highlighted that 700,000 people are rushed to the ER annually due to side-effects of commonly used drugs like insulin!  Today, Shane teaches people how to break the prescription drug addiction and is an internationally renowned expert in type II diabetes and therapeutic nutrition. 

Avoid insulin resistance forever and reverse the indiscriminate damage caused by sugar NOW!  Read his free fact sheet at 

No more fad diets, no more calorie counting, no more disease and best of all no more prescription drugs!  

If he can do it so can Oprah and anyone else! 

Shane Ellison is a graduate of Fort Lewis College and earned a masters degree from Northern Arizona University in organic chemistry.  After graduating he pursued a career in drug design for Array BioPharma via collaborations with Eli Lilly.  He founded HealthFX Nutraceuticals ( and is author of "Health Myths Exposed" and others.  His biggest achievement: a proud husband and father of two children. 

Get his Life Saving Health Briefs and Real Natural Cures FREE at
