Subject: What Happens to Your Brain When You Eat Sugar?

Everyone wants to know, "What should I eat?"

But, the better question is "What shouldn't I eat?"

That's where you start your journey to living young. Forget about all the
new-fangled diet fads, the best workout, the best fats, the optimal
ratio of fats to carbs to proteins and the best water to drink.

The first thing anyone needs to do to be healthy is stop eating sugar.

Excess sugar (sucrose, fructose and artificial sweeteners) in the blood
feeds obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Sugar also shoplifts your memory as you age.

I was just having this conversation last night with a group of
dads at Blair's wrestling practice. One of them found my website
and for twenty minutes, I was answering questions about sugar...

For over twenty years, researchers have known that those who
consume more than 10 grams of sugar daily face a greater risk
of dementia compared to those who consume less.

Dementia is practically the worst thing that can happen to you…and if not

addressed or prevented it can lead to Alzheimer's disease, later in life.

Researchers recently summed up the latest findings among those with
high sugar levels, particularly diabetics, saying, “In Alzheimer’s disease,
nerve cells throughout the brain die off, and abnormal proteins accumulate
in the brain for reasons not entirely known. Vascular dementia, in contrast,
is the result of impaired blood flow to the brain, usually by a series of small,
imperceptible strokes.”

Ultimately, the sugar was causing mini-strokes that were clogging up
the brain and preventing the preservation and formation of memory.

This conclusion was made by diabetes researchers who reviewed 14
studies involving a total of more than 2 million individuals, including
more than 100,000 dementia patients! The findings were report in
Diabetes Care.

In other research labs, the antidote is being discovered.

Researchers at The University of California, Santa Barbara, found that
compounds from cinnamon attack the mind-numbing plaque that leads to
Alzheimer’s disease. They discovered that when taken orally, it scrapes
brain cells clean of the gelatinous, protein fibers that gunk-up our neurons
and rob the mind of life’s most precious memories.

Over a decade ago, I designed a cinnamon and milk thistle combo to attack
blood sugar and protect users from the side-effects. By blending true
cinnamon and milk thistle it harness the synergy of two healing powerhouses
that are proven to lower glucose, triglycerides, A1C and the risk of dementia.

I've seen it cure diabetes, obesity and help people ditch their meds like
insulin and metformin.

Designed to be ultra-potent, non-diabetics can get away with only taking
1-3 capsules of Cinnergy per week as a preventive measure! That means,
one bottle could last up to a year, making it less than $5 per month!

Who wouldn't protect their life memories for $5 per month? And even better,
you can save 15% when you buy 3 bottles of Cinnergy at

Unfortunately, most cinnamon products on the market are adulterated with
toxic substances like chromium picolinate, processed soy oils, titanium
dioxides, and sodium lauryl sulfates… thereby defeating their purpose
and making them overt toxins.

Not Cinnergy.

I formulated this product to contain ZERO toxic substances. It’s just pure
whole herb, organic cinnamon (plus milk thistle!) — no weak, isolated
extracts. Plus, it doesn't have any coumarin, which a very small percentage of people
are sensitive to.

Cinnergy is your #1 protection against diabetes and memory loss.

Learn all about it at:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Type II diabetes STEALS your memory (in the form
of dementia), and then it kills you. Fight back. Use Cinnergy to protect
yourself against Type II diabetes. It also eliminates sugar cravings and
gets your metabolism back on track for fat-burning! Order now: