Subject: ~What Happens When You Take These Pills? (Over 1 Million Views!)


Real quick, I need you to share this short video!

Just over a year ago I told the story of a wrestling coach
who started taking blood pressure pills.

He went from an elite athlete to a "Mr. Potato Head."

Then he went natural...he learned the hard way about "prescription belly."

As blood pressure meds get absorbed by the body, they slow and even
halt metabolism! That's right.

Your metabolism is controlled by hormones and a family of receptors
known as beta-receptors. When triggered, they convert fat to energy.
Unfortunately, BP meds cover these receptors and conceal them from our
fat burning and longevity hormones!

Choke down "doctors orders" and you grow belly fat and age prematurely.

There's a better way!

Take just 2 minutes to watch and share!

The comments have been pouring in!

Writing on the natural BP cure featured in the video, one fan writes:

"This really works []! My BP was 160/100. On lisinopril
for 4 years. I felt like crap from day 1 while on it. I saw a add in the
AOPA magazine. Pilots use this stuff I'm gonna give it a try. I've been
taking Cardio FX for 6mos. I have been off the lisinopril for 2 months
now. I feel good again. BP is 122/78 on average. Everyone needs to educate
themselves on prescription drugs. See for yourself."

Watch it here:

Forward this email!

There is a way to control BP naturally! Don't miss out:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

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