Subject: What Happens When You Eat Sugar?


When you eat sugar, you trigger emotional pleasure centers in the brain,
as shown by behavioral studies over the last 29 years.

These are the same ones stimulated by illegal drugs and alcohol. In fact,
sugar cranks on the reward stimulus harder than cocaine, which makes
it more addictive than the elicit street drug.

When consumed, the brain releases pain-relieving compounds known as
opioids. Stress is relieved.

Additionally, dopamine is release in mass amounts. Artificial feel good
takes over.

In a very short time, a “food addiction” arises.

The more you have, the more you want, regardless of how sick it makes
you. Studies show that mice will eat themselves to death with sugar, just
like humans.

From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense. The inherent desire
for food - courtesy of reward centers in the brain - drives survival. It’s in
our best interests.

However, when manipulated by processed sweets, this desire grows into
an unhealthy dependence on sugary foods that interferes with our well

In 1700 the average Englishman consumed 4 pounds a year, according to The
National Geographic. A hundred years later, the average man ate 18 lbs. In
1870, 47 pounds annually. By 1900, a whopping 100 pounds a year were being
choked down.

The need for more stems from the surge in feel-good molecules triggered by
sugar consumption. Once the sugar-high dissipates, the brain is depleted,
leaving the sugar user feeling lethargic and lazy, pushing them to seek out
more sugary feel good.

At the same time, this roller coaster injects enormous cravings for alcohol
and nicotine into the brain. After all, the pleasure centers and the pathway
leading to them doesn't know if it wants, sugar, alcohol or drugs. It just
demands more.

That’s why abstaining from just any single one, without addressing blood
sugar woes and sugar addiction is futile…Ultimately, users will just with
back and forth - sugar, to alcohol, to drugs, rinse, repeat.

You can put an end to addiction with Cinnergy, an all natural
supplement that increases your sensitivity to sugar. This forces
you to want less, thereby curbing the desire for more.

Learn more at

Serotonin FX also helps the brain recover from addiction. Learn more

They go together GREAT and are essential for living a sugar free life.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist