Subject: ~What Happens When You Drink Soda?


What happens when you drink soda?

First, you feel awesome. Then, the sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup
and pharmafoods lock down on your "damn-that's-F!@cking-good" taste
receptors. You get a spurt of euphoria.

The high is short-lived, the side-effects not so much.

Every sip of sugary soda raises blood sugar and your fat storing hormone
insulin. As these flood the blood vessels, testosterone and many other
fat burning, anti-aging hormones are snuffed out.

The addiction begins to set in...and in fact, it's proven to be stronger than
cocaine or heroin.

Coke doesn't want you to know about this. They work so hard
at hiding it, I've bestowed them with a Stinky Sulfur Award!

Reader beware! This is real talk:

As a bonus, I've highlighted an amazing alternative that you can trust!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. The fastest way to reverse the indiscriminate damage caused by
sugary sodas is with - usually 1 capsules a day
eradicates sugar before it eats your insides, courtesy of high triglycerides
and "glycation," which leads to heart attack and stroke. Stock up at and watch the magic happen!