Subject: Were You Brainwashed By Aspirin, Too? (Outrage Sale is Back!)

It's time to ditch the aspirin! And for this holiday week only, I'm taking
20% off my all-natural pain cure, Relief FX to help you make the switch! I
call it the outrage sale and its only going to be offered for the next 24
hours at!

But first, lets take a 4 minute history lesson…

In February 1917, the drug company Bayer lost its American patent on
aspirin. They were poised to lose beaucoup-bucks. The profit floodgates
were opened up for other companies to profit from the chalky white pills.

Bayer wasn't going down without a fight. And what they did to secure their
lead is outrageous!

At the time, most aspirin products had no warning labels. They didn't even
have basic usage instructions. Like cavemen playing with matches, nobody
knew how to use it or what it did.

This was the perfect storm for Big Pharma. Ignorance begets sales.

Partnering with the U.S. Military in 1918, troops were incorrectly and
intentionally diagnosed with the flu. They didn't need to have real flu
symptoms. Any anomaly would do. Tired? Feeling hot? Sore muscles?

Eventually, more than 50 million people were tagged with "flu-like"
symptoms. The pharmaceutically compliant media reported that the globe was
in the midst of "Quite possibly the deadliest plague known to mankind."

Enter mass panic.

Enter Bayer.

Positioned as the benevolent savior, they had stockpiles of Aspirin
standing by.

Always beholden to Pharma, the surgeon general and the United States Navy
recommended Americans "take aspirin to treat their flu symptoms."
Beaucoup-tax money was siphoned from the economy like a broken spring.
Bayer was the beneficiary.

Fast foreward.

In the past few years, Dr. Karen M. Starko has written about the deadly
effects of aspirin during this rush to protect profits. Her writings
suggest that during the 1918 "calamity," aspirin probably did more harm
than good. More specifically, aspirin — NOT the flu — is most likely
what killed many of the people who took it during the so-called, historical
flu outbreak.

To this day, there's no real proof of the flu infecting tens-of-thousands.

You don't have to convince me.

Taking aspirin is practically a death sentence. In fact, my kids aren't
allowed to take it for aches or pains. Aspirin is banned in our household,
for safety reasons. (We use instead)

But in 1918, the American population was in the grips of mass delusion.

Aspirin was considered their "wonder drug."

Like dogs, people were trained and conditioned to see it as such.

Bayer launched an aggressive advertising campaigns, spoon-feeding Americans
lie after lie about how "pure" their newly, un-patented aspirin was.
(Never mind that even back then a first year chemistry student could yield
pure aspirin.)

…Meanwhile, the so-called "flu" epidemic was reaching its peak.

People fell for the lies, gobbled up aspirin like it was Cheerios, and many
died. Their deaths were blamed on the flu.

Playing their role in spreading mass delusion, the Journal of the American
Medical Association suggested people swallow 1,000 milligrams of aspirin
every three hours.

Do the math…That's like taking 25 standard 325-milligram aspirin tablets
in a 24-hour period.

It was a hey day for Bayer.

No amount of aspirin is safe. In clinical trials, guess which group has
the most deaths?

The treated.

Try telling that to a hypnotized, brainwashed American public that has a
steamy love affair with their "baby" aspirin - another marketing brain
child of Bayer. Good luck!

Make no mistake: sick people need aspirin the way healthy people need a
heart attack!

Think anything has changed since 1918? Of course not. As a chemist for
Pharma I've seen cancer causing drugs be approved for cancer treatments.
I've watched the FDA and Pharma work together to approve fast-acting pain
killers that are addictive and deadly…

And today, people are STILL being overdosed people with NSAIDS like
aspirin. They are the top killers in fact.

It's an outrage. And there's a risk free way. It's called Relief FX.

Relief FX is a NON-TOXIC, no-risk pain relief solution. All ingredients in
it come from Mother Nature. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE IT READY.

To encourage you to make the switch, I'm basically giving it away. For 24
hours, you can get it for 20% off! Just click here:

Whereas aspirin can seriously and permanently damage your liver, Relief FX
is Mother Nature's safe alternative…it will NOT harm your liver.

Your body will know the difference within 16 minutes. Your pain will be
squashed. That includes pain from flu or other illnesses, muscle soreness,
headaches, hangovers or general everyday aches.

The People's Chemist doesn't need to fabricate flu scares in order to sell
Relief FX in mass quantities.

Relief FX simply does its job — offering fast pain relief, without side
effects and without destroying your insides. If you're "allergic" to
aspirin, you can still safely take Relief FX with no adverse reactions.
That's because you weren't allergic. It was just toxic.

OK, history lesson's over…

For the next 24 hours, get Relief FX for 20% off at

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Relief FX offers fast-acting relief from muscles aches, headaches,
migraines, general body aches, soreness, and anything for which you might
take an over-the-counter pain medication or prescription. It's a safe
alternative to aspirin, Tylenol, and other dangerous pain killers. Relief
FX has no side effects. A family should keep it on hand for children too!
You never know when they might have the flu or a boo-boo that needs to be
soothed by Relief FX. Get 20% off at for the next 24