Subject: Weird Gym Talk


"I'm on my 5th day of a juice cleanse."

"I'm doing exercise twice a day now so I can get my beach body."

"I'm going to start fasting to be ready for the summer."

"My personal trainer has me eating 4-6 small meals a day."

"I love eating fruit after my workout."

"My post-workout protein is the best!"

No matter what gym you go to, you'll hear at least one of these
statements...And they all have ONE thing in common:


For decades, these health myths have dominated fitness.

When will people learn?

Living lean, longer requires PROPER HORMONE BALANCE! Juice, fasting,
post workout meals and excess exercise CRUSH hormones!

99% of people today are living with hormone DYSFUNCTION!

You can fix that for about $3-$4 per day thanks to my AM-PM
Fat Loss Discovery!

You will learn how to workout for only 30 minutes, three times per week.

You will learn how a simple pill makes your body respond to exercise, faster.

You will learn how to control blood sugar so you crush sugar cravings.

You will learn why diet gurus are full of sh#$ and why your hormones conspire
against you.

...And lots more.


If you are a whiner, lazy sloth or hate learning something new, this is not for you.

Otherwise, check out the before and after pictures at

Want your best body in 90 days?

This plan works! You have nothing to lose but excess weight and the fear of
what can happen when you live life with too many extra pounds!


Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist