Subject: Was the Dress Blue or Gold?...Rant.


A few months ago there was a viral image called "Dressgate." It was a
picture of a dress.

"What color do you think the dress is?"

Endless debate ensued.

"Experts" chipped in with their scientific analysis on why people were
seeing different colors.

The drivel about whether the dress was gold or blue proved that the brain
can ultimately be your worst enemy - It fools you into seeing only what
you want to see.

This is called "confirmation bias."

It's like when a five-year-old covers up his eyes and yells, "Nah nah! I
can't see you!" to his mother who's sitting right in front of him.

Pilots have adhered to confirmation bias, too. When weather didn't
cooperate, they refused to accept it. "I can make it," were the last words
of pilots who only saw what they wanted to see.

During the "Dressgate" scandal, confirmation bias took over…and people
saw only what their brain WANTED to see. Some saw a gold and white
dress…others saw a blue and black dress.

The real science showed that the image was not clear enough to offer all
the information the brain needed to process the real colors. Therefore,
subconsciously, the brain chose what it was trained to choose.

Writing on the ambiguity of the dress, an article in the NY Times stated
that when people only have "obscure bits of information" (OBOI), their
brain fills in the gaps and sees what it wants to see based on how it is

This phenomenon has been tested and verified in many other fields.

Ever notice how Big Pharma and Western Medicine use this against you?

They intentionally create OBOI ("obscure bits of information") to fool the
American public and create a confirmation bias.

In other words, they train and condition your brain to think that meds are
good for you.

Like using only a few pixels on a computer screen, Big Pharma uses a few
sound bites, an expert here and there…then adds in a paid celebrity to
endorse a product they have not the slightest clue about.

Bam. The result is a hypnotic message such as, "I need to lower my
cholesterol" buried into your subconscious.

"Have you checked your bad cholesterol?"

"Bad cholesterol is now shown to cause heart disease."

"Doctors urge patients to monitor bad cholesterol."

"And in other news, UCLA is leading the way in designing new ways to test
bad cholesterol levels."

Chirp chirp chirp.

Like Nazi mind control, this sh#t gets repeated thousands of times per day
on the news and in commercials, slowly gaining power over people's emotions
and minds.

Unless you're aware of this stuff, you're probably not in control of your

These useless, random bits of info have successfully trained Americans to
believe cholesterol is bad. Many will defend their conditioned bias all the
way to the grave.

Before you know it, you're taking Lipitor, a cholesterol-lowering drug.

Never mind that SCIENCE shows the higher your cholesterol, the longer you

But no one seems to give a shit. They're too busy consuming OBOI.

Nobody even knows what the f#$ck cholesterol is, or what it does, or why it

Yet, by pumping out obscure bits of information, Pharma tricks your brain
into thinking:

"Cholesterol must be bad; I must be on drugs!"

The little bits of data elicit a false high in your brain, appealing to the
cozy and comfortable confirmation bias that makes you think all is good in
the world when you're taking cholesterol drugs.

Never mind that science CLEARLY shows lowering cholesterol does NOT
prevent heart attack or stroke.

Never mind that science shows the majority of heart attack victims have LOW
cholesterol, not HIGH.

(By the way, that was on the cover of TIME Magazine. But like a pilot who
refuses to see the developing storms ahead, the confirmation bias of the
masses didn't allow this refreshing moment of logic to deter their bias.)

…and people act surprised when early funerals take place for their loved
ones who were faithfully on their meds.

Good news is…you won't find this Nazi mind control crap at

I don't believe in hypnotizing people or sending them to the grave.

I believe in giving people the FACTS, whether they like them or not.
Whether they approve of my delivery or not.

Most people look at me — a guy with tattoos, torn jeans, grappler, cuss
words, pilot — and they assume I couldn't possibly trump an army of
marketers disguised as medicine experts.

At first glance, the average moron's confirmation bias can't take it!

Newsflash: I obtained a masters degree in chemistry to work in a lab, not
be your friend, your guru or medical doctor…The People's Chemist isn't
trying to convince you of anything. I don't give a sh#t if you choose to make
poor decisions for your health…that's your choice. I don't need your
approval, nor do I care if you take me seriously or not.

But if you're looking for true HEALTH, then you need to pay attention to
what I'm saying.

When it comes to science, it only takes one person to verify an apple
falling from a tree. (AKA gravity.)

Translation: It only takes one person to verify reproducible results.

That, in a nutshell, is science.

Science doesn't require a democracy, a popularity contest, or a staff
meeting where everyone's on board. Nor do I.

Real science shows that hawthorn and other natural heart cures found in
Cardio FX are the natural replacement to toxic heart meds.

If all the world's useless prescription drugs were burned to a crisp and only
Cardio FX remained, you'd still have everything you'd need to live a young,
healthy life. Cardio FX is that powerful.

It's proven to:

- Lower blood pressure
- Increase athletic endurance
- Stop unruly blood clots
- Strengthen the heart muscle (no more erratic heartbeat!)
- Protect against heart attack and stroke

It's impossible to misinterpret any of the science proving the benefits of
hawthorn. Outside of the USA, hawthorn is considered an "approved"
must-have "drug" for anyone who wants a bulletproof cardiovascular system.

Technically, hawthorn isn't a drug like your prescriptions meds are a drug.
It's a simple ingredient found in Mother Nature. And, it's safer and more
effective than cardiovascular meds (outside of an emergency situation). And
guess what…Cardio FX is loaded with hawthorn and other things like
garlic, grapeseed extract and magnesium!

You can find Cardio FX at

You'll know it's working in a matter of days because your resting heart
rate will plummet as the stress from your arteries and veins is relaxed
from Nature's #1 heart cures.

I've laid the facts out bare.

No sugar coating.

No tap dancing. No OBOI.

Live young now with

Regular users can purchase a 3-pack to ensure that
they don't run out.

Stop letting Big Pharma swindle you.

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. I deleted my social media accounts. Flushed 50,000+ Facebook followers
down the toilet. The lazy sloths frothing at the mouth, begging me for free
advice, asking about my kids' diet, or how many times they should squeeze
their lemon for the $1.41 cleanse ruined it. Go read a f@#$ing book.

P.S.S. What color was the actual dress? It doesn't matter.