Subject: WORKS FAST: Natural Fix for High Blood Pressure

Nothing pisses me off more than when a doctor tries to convert a healthy
person into a patient. That includes athletic people who are active, living
life to the fullest…until they get caught with an unexpected diagnosis!

For Kerry, it was high blood pressure.

"I am an exercise fiend," Kerry writes. "I train everyday. I just turned 50 in
May. I love weight lifting, biking, running, and rowing. I even work at a
gym. I keep my body fat around 10%."

"So when I went to my doctor for my 47-year-old check up, he told me I have
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and should get on medication. I asked him if there are
side effects? He said not usually. I didn't believe him. So I decided to
try something different. (Mom and dad have been diagnosed and have been on
meds for 30 years, still not cured.)"

What the doctor told Kerry was a lie. Blood pressure meds are LOADED with
side effects. The side effects are simply "downplayed" in order to hook
people on these f#@king useless drugs. That's why 90% of drugs commercials
are filled with disclaimers and warnings…and 10% of it is benefits.

What no one realizes is that high blood pressure is not an instant death
sentence. In fact, sometimes it's a normal process of aging. The goal of
maintaining a blood pressure at or near 120/80 (or more recently 115/75) is
based on drug company hype, not science. Such low recommendations ensure
that healthy people — including athletic individuals — are converted
into patients.

If high blood pressure were dangerous, then lowering it with hypertension
drugs would increase lifespan. Yet, there's not a single clinical trial
showing that hypertension medications increased lifespan among users of
these drugs when compared to nonusers. In fact, many times, low blood
pressure DECREASED lifespan. It's completely natural for the first number
(systolic) to be 100 plus our age.

Translation: Taking blood pressure meds is a good way to destroy your
health and risk possible death.

When blood pressure goes beyond healthy limits, there's an easy fix.

It's called Cardio FX. []

"I found your book [] at the library, looking for
ways to lower blood pressure naturally," says Kerry. "My morning blood
pressure (at 5 am) was usually around 140/90 with a resting heart rate of
45 BPM. I started taking GARLIC CLOVES and HAWTHORNE BERRY and saw some
improvement in my BP numbers."

"The big changes started to happen when I ordered your Cardio FX
[] and started taking it 3 weeks ago, 30 minutes before
my workout. My blood pressure is usually 125/73 after my workouts. CARDIO
FX WORKS. I will order it for my mom and dad soon and recommend it to my 8
brothers and sisters (two of my siblings take BP meds already). Thanks for
keeping it real!"

Props to Kerry for discarding the doctor's useless recommendation…and
avoiding risky blood pressure meds!

The average person would have had blindly followed doctor's orders,
accepted the prescription, and hauled their compliant ass to the nearest
pharmacy. Not Kerry!

Arm yourself against useless advice from doctors. Say "No" to unnecessary
prescription drugs!

To safely normalize blood pressure — and protect against heart attack,
stroke, and cardiovascular disease — use Cardio FX religiously
[]. This is a great supplement for athletes and
generally healthy people…as it just ADDS to your health. (It never takes

Cardio FX is also great for people who want to wean off their heart meds.
Learn how to do this SAFELY by reading Over-the-Counter Natural Cures

Remember, heart drugs will screw up your health. Don't risk it. Ditch the
meds. The sooner the better.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Order and relax knowing your cardiovascular system
is 100% protected against threats! Money back guarantee if it doesn't show
measurable results!