Subject: ~WARNING: Why Fish Oils Are SOUR


Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Especially when
it comes to being healthy. We exercise wrong. We
eat wrong. And, we choose the wrong pills.

When we make the wrong decisions, lessons are learned
the hard way. People lose out on life.

Now, more than anytime in history, people are wolfing
down pills in an attempt to live better, longer...Omega-3
fish oils are emblematic of this.

Since when did we become such a pill popping culture?

A pretty label, a celebrity endorsement, and doctors
orders and bam, most people are just about ready to
swallow the farm.

Hoodia. Green coffee bean. EmergenC....The list of
crazy pills goes on and on...

Promoted to save you from the inner fires of inflammation,
diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and hell, UFO Abduction,
omega-3 fish oils (also referred to as DHA) are more popular
now then ever.…Especially among the "caveman" camp who oddly
enough, pride themselves on living like our prehistoric ancestors.

Do you really think man was meant to suck down highly processed,
extracted fish oils?


Did you know that fish oils are nothing more than chemical
isolations performed by Big Pharma using a highly expensive,
pharmaceutical extraction processes?

…The joke might be on you.

Big Pharma is laughing all the way to the bank.

Fish oils yanked from real food is pricey thanks to the
pharmaceutical process of extraction. But it’s worthless
for health.

Fact: You don't need Omega-3 fatty acid pills.

You’re better off getting them from grass-fed meat, whole
eggs, wild-caught fish and pemmican. That’s because, unlike
pills, these natural sources are accompanied with a host of
micronutrients and other healthy fats proven to increase
functional lifespan.

...There’s no money in that advice, though.

It’s not profitable for Big Pharma to sell natural living.

People will kick and scream about this. They will insist that
their Aunt, had a friend, who met a guy that cured himself
of heart disease simply by taking omega-3 fish oil.

And people will believe it!

I’m just the messenger. Don’s shoot me...If you miss,
you better run like hell, or have a fast get-away car.

Ignore my omega-3 warning at your own peril.

Here are some recent quotes from the scientific literature:

"Daily consumption of omega-3 fatty acids did not reduce
cardiovascular morbidity or mortality in 12,513 patients
with risk factors or atherosclerosis but no history of
myocardial infarction (MI), a double-blind, placebo controlled study found."

"Men with the highest blood D.H.A. [omega-3] levels were 2.5
times more likely to develop high-grade, aggressive prostate
cancer than those with the lowest D.H.A. levels, the researchers

Look, I understand the fear of inflammation and heart disease!
These silent killers are becoming an epidemic. They are stealing
away valuable years of partying and raising hell.

But Omega-3 fats aren’t what you are looking for. Even the most
prestigious medical journal, The Journal of the American Medical
Association has made similar warnings.

They reported the findings of Dr. Moses S. Elisaf, MD, PhD,
FASA, FRSH and his team who concluded, “Overall, omega-3
fat supplementation was not associated with a lower risk
of all-cause mortality, cardiac death, sudden death,
myocardial infarction, or stroke based on relative
and absolute measures of association.”

Want to live longer, without being taken out by the
uncontrolled inflammation?

Then you need a simple, proven anti-inflammatory
known as Cinnergy. Cinnergy is the only product
in the world that’s verified to be loaded with

What is cinn-a-ma-al-de-hyde?

Scientists writing for BMC Complementary Medicine recently
wrote, “Previous studies have indicated that the major
pharmacological activities of cinnamon bark, such as
its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral,
and anti-cancer effects are derived from essential
oils such as cinnamaldehyde.

Cinnamaldehyde is fire on the flames of inflammation.
But as you can see from above, it also fights infection
and cancer!

Cinnergy is LOADED to the brim with cinnamaldehyde!

Best of all, Cinnergy has no coumarin, which many are
worried about.

And it has milk thistle, Mother Nature’s detox cure.
Learn how you can get Cinnergy for as low as $10 per
month at

Don’t be your own worst enemy! Take steps to LEARN about
your pills and how they help you, as proven by science -
the observation of reproducible results.

Note that if you are not diabetic, you only need 1-3 capsules
per week! For those wanting to reverse diabetes, 1 per day is
usually sufficient. Order Cinnergy now and get a free book!
Learn more at

Dare to live young!
The People’s Chemist