Subject: WARNING: Not for pregnant women or DAILY USE!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

“Immune FX” Demolishes Colds, Flu, and Allergies - Protects You from Having to Use Vaccines, Steroids or Antibiotics!

Sometimes a product is so helpful that I don’t have to say anything about it because the fans who use them say it for me.

That's the case with Jim, from Sydney, Australia.

“I was introduced to Shane’s work in March 2012 by a friend,” Jim writes. “I’m a notorious skeptic who takes a lot of convincing before I subscribe to someone’s radical ideas. I quickly signed up for Shane’s Natural Cures Watchdog and began learning.”

He read about my Immune FX product, which is specifically designed to boost the immune system and combat colds, flu, and allergies.

I designed it to be an alternative to vaccines and antibiotics.

Being the dad of an 11-year-old boy with allergies, Jim figured he should give Immune FX to his son.

His Son Sneezed Constantly and Frequently Caught Colds...

“My son was always sick with allergies,” says Jim. “He was sneezing all the time and easily catching colds.”

Whether you’re a kid or an adult, constant sneezing is a sign that your immune system is over-worked and fighting against something it considers to be a threat to the body.

And when you often catch colds or suffer form allergies, it’s a sign that your immune system isn’t working 100%.

“I put my son on Immune FX...and now he rarely catches a cold,” says Jim. “Or if he does, it goes away quickly.”

Now, at the age of 12, Jim’s son has an immune system that’s stronger than most adults’.

Strengthen Your Immune System, and You’ll No Longer Have to Be Tortured by Allergies

I know from firsthand experience there’s nothing worse than having a sick child.  My wife and I are expecting our third child and keeping them healthy - naturally - is our number one priority...

When you take Immune FX, as Jim’s son did, your immune system will get stronger. It can’t help but protect you.  

Most importantly – your immune system will begin to work FOR you, rather than against you.

Immune FX is strong enough to strengthen an adult’s immune system AND safe enough to give to your kids.

Stop Catching Colds, Stop Calling in Sick to Work 

After seeing how successful Immune FX was at eliminating his son’s allergies, Jim recommended the product to one of his co-workers who had a habit of calling in sick. (Jim works as a chief engineer at a hotel in Australia.)

“One of my workers constantly took sick days due to colds and flu,” says Jim. “I told him about Immune FX. He purchased some and has not had a sick day since.”

I’m not surprised.

You can’t be on Immune FX AND have allergies and colds at the same time. It just doesn’t work that way!

If Everyone on the Planet Took Immune FX, the Concept of “Taking A Sick Day” Would Vanish 

If everyone had a healthy immune system, the need for getting dangerous flu shots would disappear.

All those makers of crappy cold and flu medicines would go out of business.

And your allergies would finally R.I.P. (rest in peace).

Unfortunately, many people suffer needlessly, simply because they aren’t giving their immune system what it needs to fight back.

Don’t be one of those people.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Suffer from Unnecessary Allergies! 

It annoys me that so many people have trouble breathing clearly because of allergies. Stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy nose, itchy eyes – none of it has to be there.

Simply take Immune FX and your allergies will disappear.

When you’re out shopping at the grocery store or any crowded place filled with sniffling, cold-ridden people – you won’t have to worry about getting sick.

You’ll be protected from cold and flu, automatically.

That’s because Immune FX turns your immune system into a “Superman” of sorts, tirelessly fighting off all the germs and allergens that dare cross your path.

Immune FX – the Ultimate Solution for a Stronger Immune System 

“I think Shane’s work is amazing,” says Jim. “He explains the complicated stuff in ways that anyone can understand and I want to make this available to everyone I know. I’ve been passing on emails sent to me by TPC to many of my friends.”

The People’s Chemist has that effect on people. Once you start reading about the incredible success stories of people who beat allergies and outsmart colds and flu – you can’t help but get a piece of that awesomeness for yourself.

Your immune system will get great pleasure out of plucking threats right out of your body. It will respond to the right threats, rather than wasting time fighting against things that aren’t really a threat.

The best part is, you won’t even have to think about it. Just take Immune FX, and your immune system will automatically get stronger and better at defending against the bugs that cause illness and allergies.

If an 11-year-old boy can beat his allergies by taking Immune FX, so can you.

WARNING:  Immune FX is not for pregnant women.  Nor is it for daily use.  You simply take this product when you start feeling ill or through allergy season...It’s that effective.



Learn more by clicking here: 


About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at