Subject: Vitamin D Test Scam - "Gurus" Unaware!

The People's Chemist
Vitamin D Test Scam: What If You Don't Get Enough Sunshine? 
Lea-Ann Beach
My wife was enjoying the sun in Greece...striking a pose, this reminded us of when doctors and midwives constantly pushed "vitamin D" on her while pregnant...having 4 kids, she never fell for the scam...(Gawd, no wonder we have so many kids.)  That’s because today’s definition of optimal vitamin D levels has been artificially raised to convert healthy people into vitamin D patients.

(Want to use her daily "dose pill" for great skin while boosting memory and warding off cancer?  See

No human being needs a vitamin D pill.

Not one.

That’s because it’s made in a lab. And the human body hasn’t evolved a need for chemicals…

Of course, your doctor is going to tell you that “you’re low in vitamin D” and then put you on the pill.

That’s because the same industry who makes the chemicals, set the test standards, conveniently.

Think about it.

What you might be low in is sunshine. But even then, proper sun won’t raise your naturally occurring levels of vitamin D to the high standards set by Big Pharma.

…so you stop taking the vitamin D test!

Meanwhile, try to get more sunshine, more exercise and more spring water.

Sunshine can go along way. The American Cancer Society has called ultraviolet exposure (i.e., sensible sun exposure) “the best way to achieve proper vitamin D status.” And also to lower cancer risk!

Amen! WOW, something level-headed from them!

Exposing 80% of your body to sunshine every other day, for about 20 minutes, has a proven beneficial effect on vitamin D production (and many other health benefits).

If you can’t get sun. It’s ok. Wait until summer and supplement with extra virgin cod liver oil. If you want to learn how to get it without ADDED vitamin D made in a lab, read

Still, people are going to regurgitate their vitamin D test results and try to tie that to some side-effect of poor health.

For instance, the headlines are all the rave, saying, “Vitamin D deficiency tied to obesity.”

“Some authors and researchers are noting that a large percentage of the United States population is vitamin D deficient. Due to vitamin D’s growing importance in human health, more research is being dedicated to what is causing this widespread deficiency and how we can prevent it,”
they insisted.

See? It’s everywhere!

A “study” was done by researchers at the VU University Medical Center and Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands.

“…individuals with an increased amount of abdominal fat have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency and should consider having vitamin D levels checked by a health professional!”

This is all stupid.

If low vitamin D causes obesity, why do we have tan fat people?

If low vitamin D causes obesity, why do we have skinny white people who need a tan?

How long will people let themselves be conned?

“Health experts” have artificially raised the recommended vitamin D level to 1000 IU/day. This ensures everyone who takes the test will fail. A person living in Hawaii with maximum sunshine exposure couldn’t even
reach those levels naturally if they tried.

The test is nothing more than a sales ploy. Once it shows you’re “deficient”…you become a target. That’s when “health gurus” try to hook you on fake vitamin D pills for life.

The research is clear.  The vitamin D test is largely worthless…and few people even need to be tested at all.

NCBI published a 2015 paper called “Vitamin D Testing in the General Population.” It reviewed the research on vitamin D testing. Overall, it found that there was a “lack of evidence on the clinical effectiveness of
vitamin D testing.”

Pills made in the lab aren’t the answer.

The same study says, “high dose (50000 IU) supplements were utilized by the study population and this dose has been associated with undesirable outcomes such as hypercalcemia, and renal and skeletal outcomes.”

Don’t want to poison your body?

Ditch the fake vitamin D pills…and get some sun!

If sunshine is not available, you can supplement with cod liver oil as outlined in

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Does your multivitamin have synthetic (manmade) vitamin D listed on the ingredients label (as either “D2” or “D3”)? If so, trash it! Learn more, and find out how protect yourself from harmful vitamins at

While you’re there, stock up on Daily Dose — my safe multivitamin. It has ZERO fake ingredients…guaranteed! Block cancer, boost energy, improve memory, and more with!
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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