Subject: ~Vitamin D Impairs Fertility

In May researchers published, "Vitamin D: Study Finds Impaired Fertility."

Lead investigator Gitte Bloch Rasmussen, PhD, told MedPage that women
taking 70 mcg Vitamin D daily had HALF the chances of conceiving, compared
with women who took a placebo supplement.

That means if you're trying to have a baby…then you need to trash your
synthetic Vitamin D pills ASAP!

If a pill cuts a woman's fertility in half…is it really worth
swallowing?!? Call me crazy, but a supplement should ADD to one's vitality
and health, not take away from it.

Ian Reid, MD, said: "This study reinforces data from previous studies
looking at falls and fractures, which indicate that vitamin D can have
adverse effects. This causes substantial concern regarding the incautious
advocacy for high doses of vitamin D from some groups, particularly in
North America."

Amen. Key phrase here is "incautious advocacy." This occurs when moronic
health gurus blindly push Vitamin D on everyone…without understanding the

Many "gurus" recommend that you need 1000 IU/day of Vitamin D…but you
DON'T. A person living in Hawaii with maximum sunshine exposure couldn't
even reach those levels naturally if they tried. That's an artificially
high number designed to get healthy people hooked on this useless drug
disguised as a supplement.

As Reid explains: "Vitamin D metabolites are biologically active compounds,
the levels of which are tightly regulated. Therefore, to override these
regulatory mechanisms with administration of very high doses is clearly

In other words…don't artificially raise your Vitamin D levels via
supplementation. That's stupid. You're fine getting responsible sunshine
and or taking all natural cod liver oil, with nothing added.

Throw away your Vitamin D pills, and skip the injections too moms! (Find
out more ways to live young, naturally, by reading Over-the-Counter Natural
Cures: Expanded Edition at

"Our findings call for caution on recommending too-high doses of vitamin D
supplementation to women intending to become pregnant," said Rasmussen.

Since 1997, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has shown that blood
levels equal to or slightly greater than 15ng/ml of a substance known as
25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-D) are indicative of a healthy vitamin D level.
This can easily be achieved from moderate sun exposure. You can slosh
through all the studies that prove this if you want.

Let me be clear…the human body DOES need synthetic Vitamin D from a pill
or injection.

Exposing 80% of your body to SUNSHINE every other day for 20 minutes will
enable your body to naturally produce Vitamin D on its own. (Bonus: it's
free!)...and if its winter, then, well, its winter! You'll survive it!

Don't be conned into swallowing toxic Vitamin D pills…especially if
you're a woman trying to get pregnant. All it will do is cut your chances
of conceiving in half, plus set you up for a slew of side effects.

Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Vitamin D pills and injections are killing you. But don't tell that to
the retards who are selling vitamin D "supplements"! Steer clear of these
synthetic pills. For more information on how to arm yourself against risky,
BS supplements, read Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded at