Subject: Vitamin D DANGER and More


One of the best ways to avoid heart disease is to stop
inflammation. And many people know this. To this end, they are
swallowing so-called anti-inflammatory compounds like omega-3
fatty acids, vitamin D, and reseveratrol. Did you know that you
may be sabotaging your own health?

What if I told you that "revisionists" within Big Pharma were
trying to re-write the history pages of science in order to poison
us with "drugs disguised as vitamins?"

What if I told you Big Pharma used "checkbook science"to convince
us that we had a vitamin D deficiency and thus needed to take
vitamin D pills - conveniently made by them, and sold as a nutritional

What if I told you that by using "drugs disguised as vitamins, you
not only waste money, but risk some serious side effects?

Would you spend 13 minutes to learn about it?

Send this to anyone you know who might be taking "vitamin D."

Live Young,

Shane Ellison, M.S.