Subject: Vitamin C won't help you, this will!


Naturally occurring vitamin C has its place. After all, just a teaspoon
of lemon juice saved tens of thousands of sailors from scurvy.

But, that doesn't mean it's the cure-all everyone wants it to be.

Today's vitamin C is nothing more than synthetic ascorbic acid. This
is a cheap, pharmaceutical knock-off. And it's not healthy. Yet, millions
are using it to boost immunity. Bad idea.

For over 10 years, I've been helping people boost immunity without
having to resort to ascorbic acid. My secret combination of natural
medicine works so well, that it wards off bacterial and viral infection
as well as ALLERGIES!

Just yesterday, a fan posted this on their Facebook wall:

"If anyone is suffering from severe allergies, sinusitis ect as I have been
this is the answer. Have tried the meds, Nettie pot ect and NOTHING worked
as quickly or completely as this 100% natural product from The Peoples
Chemist, Immune FX. This guy used to work as a chemist for a big pharma and
left due to all the unethical practices he witnessed. Built his own million
dollar lab and had evaluated many products that are on the market as well
as produces a small number of his own. This guy is the real deal. I've been
taking this for the last 5 days and after the first day my nose was
completely clear and has been ever runny nose, no sniffles....
It's a miracle and just had to share. If you're suffering as I did with the
air quality here check out his site peoples This is not a paid
announcement or an MLM scheme. This is the real deal. A real all natural
solution to chronic sinusitis and allergies, thank you Shane!!"

Protecting your family from illness is not about how much vitamin C
you should give them.

It's all about increasing the strength of your immune system!

Think of it as a security fence or virus protection software.

When it's working properly, it sets off an alarm when there's a foreign

invader. This sets into motion a biological army that thwarts all invaders.

That's the beauty of the immune system! 

It does all the work for you
while letting you live young.

Get protected now with Immune FX at

The following is an email I received from an Immune FX fan who
experienced first hand it's benefits:

"I had an upper respiratory, viral infection and was prescribed pills by
 doctor to fight it. It made me feel worse and didn't heal me.”

“I went back to the doctor and told him I wouldn't take this stuff, it

felt like poison. I was then prescribed some other inhaler, a powerful 

antibiotic and a narcotic cough syrup."

"I decided to search the web about the medicine we take nowadays and
cost versus the benefits. I stumbled upon The People’s Chemist and
the immune FX. I began taking it and took a trip to Texas this
(2013). My 16 and 5 year old sons had a terrible time with
there. I did not. I usually have a terrible allergic reaction to
weed pollen. More so than
 my sons. Thanks for a wonderful product I
am now having my oldest son try it"


S.Y., Memphis, TN

Get protected now with ImmuneFX at

This is not something you take every day. Simply start using when
allergy season hits or when you are feeling sick.

Don't be caught sick without it! Buy it and keep it in your medicine cabinet
before it's too late!

Watch the 1-minute vid at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist