Subject: ~Video! How to Choose a Probiotic and Why You Need One


I want to say thanks for all the well wishes regarding my son's birth!
The flood of mail has been overwhelming and much appreciated. Mom
and baby are doing great, they just walked in from Whole Foods...Both
are happy to be out and about, again.

Our home birth story has already circled the globe, appearing in
major news outlets like The Daily Mail and more. Your comments
on our blog are incredibly helpful because they show the media what
people really want to hear about!

Keep it up!

I have a new video for you. Take 2 minutes to watch...

I explain how to choose the best probiotic and why you need one.

If you're looking to stop bloating, get a healthy complexion and
flatten your belly, watch it here:

I look forward to reading your comments, too!

All my best,

The People's Chemist

PS Please forward this email to loved ones so they can start learning how
to take charge of their health!