Subject: Video Exposes Toxins in Organic Wine And Safe Alternative!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

On the exact same day I shot my latest PC Reality TV episode, I received the latest issue of Scientific American, and on the inside front page it read, "Toxins All around Us," and highlighted that exposure to chemicals in everyday objects poses a hidden health threat!  Well guess what?  One of those everyday objects is "organic" wine.  Believe it.  

Now, I'm teaching you the alternative.  Read below.  

And if you know of anyone else who would like to know about this lifesaving information, FORWARD this email.  Don't leave friends and loved ones behind. 

Organic Wine Industry "Wears Biohazard Suits" When Adding This Toxin to Your Drink!  Learn The Safe Alternative That Costs Less Than $10!


About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at