Subject: Victim just sent this email...



I started The People's just over 11 years ago!
And every year is the exact same, just on a bigger scale:

I constantly get emails from victims of prescription drugs, synthetic
vitamins and/or drug fortification programs disguised as "food

This morning was no different.

"I was a victim of the calcium and Vit D. I had two stents put in due to
calcified arteries to my heart. Never take vitamins!! Mine were prescribed
by my Dr," wrote JG.

This is beyond comprehension...Nobody should have to suffer like this from
a "vitamin." I'm thankful JG is still living young!

Most people never make the connection. Health facts are shrouded in hype,
misinformation, misunderstanding and bio-babble.

Fact: Calcium and vitamin D pills come from Big Pharma. They are NOT
F!@#ing vitamins!

(The word vitamin was derived from "vital amines." Early scientists
discovered that we all need certain nutrients, namely proteins. Each
protein has what chemists call and amine group. Hence, vital amines.
There is NOTHING vital about synthetic calcium or vitamin D, AND

Fact: Both are vastly different than what is found in the body and in nature.

Fact: Both are exceedingly harmful. (Prior to being called "vitamin D," it
was sold as RAT POISON! Hence, it never even made it past clinical trials...
it killed all the animals!)

Fact: Vitamin D gets caught up in the body and accumulates, making it more
poisonous as the weeks and years go by.

Fact: You don't need "vitamin D" levels sky high as marketed by Big Pharma
and pushed by your doctor.

For almost 50 years, the pharmaceutical industry has been profiting from
fortification. But before they poison our food, they have to go on a massive
educational campaign to make us believe we are dying for their drugs, which
they work to convince people are "foods." It's called ASTROTURFING...
Like tricking people with fake grass, they use "astroturf" to trick people into
thinking something is real and necessary...

Once they fool enough people, the govt forks over millions to Big Pharma
for mass fortification...because the people begged for it.

...One Nation Under Drugs.

Stop being poisoned. Stop being stupid.

Start waking up to the reality that you're being duped
daily. Read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED.

For true heart and cardiovascular healthy stock up on
before I run out. It's been my bestseller. And it's not surprising.

A truly natural medicine, www.getcardiofx:

Opens up arteries to release blood pressure.

It stops unruly clots without thinning the blood.

It strengthens the heart, rather than kill it!

Loaded with the most potent hawthorn, garlic and grapeseed extract,
similar medicines have been used in the UK for decades!

If you're not using Cardio FX daily for prevention and total heart health,
you're not living young. After all, you're only as young as your cardiovascular
system. PRESERVE it at

Note to JG: Thanks for speaking out and warning others! Ive got a 3-pack
of Cardio FX on the way as well as all my books. Keep kicking ass!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist