Subject: ~Viagra Dangers



      Doctors Say No to Viagra, Yes to Natural Alternative!

      UAB Study Examines Hearing Loss, Viagra Use.

      My Natural Alternative Being Shunned and Discarded!

      From the start, they said it could not be done.

      "Nothing can enhance intimacy, especially if it is natural."

      After 4 years of development, I proved them wrong. Then it just got worse. My advertisers refused to promote it. The FDA knocked on my door demanding samples. And a select few clients harrassed me for "diluting my brand and message!"

      Are you kidding me! Prescription drugs used for ED are killing people, if not making life extremely difficult! What kind of chemist would I be if I could not top Big Pharma and offer a safe natural alternative?

      How Viagra Works to Erode Health, Fast.

      Without getting too wordy, Viagra and all teh otehr drugs work on smooth muscle within the body. By preventing relaxation they help increase "activity."

      Sadly though, they also work on shutting down key molecules within the body that regulate vision and hearing. By disrupting their activity, one "good time" can forever alter the way users see and hear! Not worth it! Yet, intimacy is so vital that many people are risking it in the name of sexual health.

      That is why I came up with a "classy" alternative that is safe but also more effective.

      Total Confidence, Stamina and Intimacy, All in One Blue Pill! (save 15% with below coupon)

      My natural alternative works naturally on the body to increase sensitivity. This is key. When done, male anatomy and the overall experience is heightened (in all ways). Women notice a difference!

      I'm not selling silly trends like L-arginine, yohimbe or whatever else is being pushed on the sleazy "sex supplement" market.

      This is the real deal. And women know it:

      "Blue Thunder, is an awesome product!! I love it. He's bigger, stamina is great, and sex is happening much more frequently. I like that I don't have to worry about him suffering from side effects associated with prescription meds, like losing his vision. I would not let him risk that. This is a great natural product!!" - Jane

      "My husbands sex drive plummeted at 55 years old (three years ago). As he gained excess weight and started taking blood pressure meds, I thought we would never have those intimate moments again. I bought him Blue Thunder on a whim. The difference is night and day. We were both surprised at how well it worked. Glad I took the chance at trying it! Thanks for making a great product." - Michelle

      "I actually gave it to my girlfriend for her wedding night! I felt like a crazy woman doing it, but just had to. She gave it to her new husband...Lets just say it made the night extra special. Thanks!" - Christa

      Be Safe, Smart, and Have Fun While Supplies Last. No Guarantee on How Long This Product Will Remain Available

      Blue Thunder is currently in stock and shipping:

      Warning: Do Not Order Without Reading Full Instructions!

      Here is my Guarantee: If "she doesn't know you took this," get a full refund.

      Save 15% when you buy a 3-Pack! Simply use the coupon code "3 Blue Thunder" at checkout as "coupon code" after you add three bottles, then click recalculate, then insert code and "apply." Blue Thunder, 30-90 Day Supply (12 pills) $97.00 Add to Cart

  • From The Desk of The People's Chemist