Subject: Vet Rescued his Heart and His Life


This story is remarkable, on many levels. But most importantly, it reflects
the profound benefits of using natural medicine. Something I know you'd
appreciate, or at least learn from.

Against all odds, Dan took charge of his own health with an ultra-potent
form of hawthorn, known as “CardioFX.” He found it reading my
articles. As you know, I teach that you don’t have to worry about high
cholesterol. It is not the culprit in heart disease!

A weak heart, sticky blood clots, and inflammation are what you need to
worry about. All of them can be lethal, without warning!

A damaged cardiovascular system can manifest into high blood pressure,
irregular heart beat, the inability to sustain exercise and afternoon fatigue.

These are warning signs that can’t be ignored.

Many lifestyle factors contribute. Things like sugar, lack of exercise, alcohol
and obesity are at the top of the list...

To prevent poor cardiovascular health and also heal existing conditions, I
designed CardioFX. It’s a hawthorn based product that is 5 times
stronger than any other product available today. I designed to:

- Strengthen the heart
- Bust unruly blood clots
- Control blood pressure
- Shut down inflammation

It’s benefits have been verified by medical universities around the

[The Proven Heart Cure]

Anyone using CardioFX today can witness measurable results within about
6 days of using it:

- Resting heart rate plummets
- Endurance increases
- Blood pressure drops to normal levels
- Breathing rate is normalized
- Irregular heart beat is reversed

That is what I mean by “measurable results!” You can SEE my products

This isn’t like a religion, where you have to trust me or have faith in me...
This is about you achieving value, as seen by measurable results.

If you wanted to get more scientific, you could monitor your blood to watch
inflammation drop with declining levels of a marker known as C-reactive
protein. You could also measure blood viscosity and decreased oxidation.

All in all though, CardioFX adds years to your life and life to your years.

I’m honored to share Dan’s short, but moving testimonial. I also want
to thank him dearly for sending this in VOLUNTARILY! These stories help
us all learn the vast benefits of properly formulated medicine.

Dear Shane....

“I hate long emails also, but there is a lot to say so please bear with
me. I am a VietNam Vet who was exposed to agent orange in 67/68.
I had a son born in ‘77 that died 5 days after he was born because of
the exposure, according to the doctors. It’s been rough, to say the

“I had 6 heart by-passes in Jan 2000 I had 3 heart attacks in 2011 and
let them do 2 stints (ok I was still a dumbass). I was still suffering
from congestive heart failure and was going downhill fast. I became
allergic to the cholesterol meds in 2004 and started to read about them
online. The best articles I found were yours, and I have been reading you
ever since.”

“My biggest problem, in addition to a weak heart, is high blood pressure.
I had been doing H2O2 and chelation since 2004. My normal blood
pressure was 200/100. Still not good enough.”

“I bought some CardioFX.”

“My Dr told me that I was in critical congestive heart failure and of
course even though he is a “natural” doctor, he wanted to put me on drugs. My
legs and feet were swollen so bad I could hardly walk!”

“I started taking the CardioFX (3/3 times a day) and within one week the
doctor said that the heart improvement was incredible based on his tests. I
was no longer in danger of a heart attack and parts of my heart that were
not working properly were now working well!”

“Now, everyone who sees me can't believe how much better I look. I even
started doing some work around the farm ( when I retired I bought 10 acres,
raise organic chicken, and organic gardening )”

“My blood pressure is lower than it has been since before 1995 ( when I
started taking it ) 117 / 78 average! Cardio FX has been a real life saver
for me ...Thanks for your intelligence, incite, and having guts to fight
the system...”

Dan S.
Dowagiac MI

[The Proven Heart Cure]

Maintaining total cardiovascular health should not be risky. You don’t
need cholesterol-lowering drugs or blood pressure meds to do it. If you
are taking vitamin D or fish oils, you are wasting your time and money.
Nothing is more powerful than hawthorn. Learn about it at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist