Subject: ~Vegans Protest Gelatin Capsule, Blindly.


Vegans love protesting my gelatin caps.

As sure as ISIS is a ploy to bomb the hell out of
third world countries, I get emails weekly from a vegan
that goes something like this:

"Why isn’t your Daily Dose ( Vegan?
Gelatin concerns me. It comes from male newborn calves’
stomach lining."

Let me clear this up.

As a medicinal chemist, I have two choices for capsules.

I can use hypromellose.

Or, I could use gelatin.

Which would you pick? Hopefully, at this point, as an educated
individual, you are asking two questions.

1. What about "veggie" capsules?

2. Can I get more information about them both?

Why, yes!

Hypromellose is a "veggie" cap! Confused? You should be. 'Cause
you were lied to.

The term "veggie" cap is a euphemism for the synthetically
derived, pharmaceutical brain-child of Big Pharma.

Hypromellose is short for the chemical name, hydroxypropyl methyl-
cellulose (HPMC). It's a polymer (plastic), produced in the acrid, fume
hoods of a chemistry lab. As a plastic, it falls under the umbrella of

Phthalates are the plastics implicated in breast cancer...You knew
this already because it's been in the news as much as ISIS...or IS?

Now back to gelatin.

Gelatin is 100% natural, non-toxic, colorless and tasteless. In fact,
it confers (rather than steals) dozens of health properties due to its
anti-inflammatory properties. This is especially true when derived from
bone broths!

The best source of gelatin? How about the paws of cute puppies gathered
from homes of precious little girls? I let the pups keep their legs and just
chop off their feet.

Give me a break vegans!

But for real, organic gelatin is easily obtained, using any number of
humane and civil methods that have been around for centuries.

As The People's Chemist, I only use the safest, most humane ingredients
in all my creations and would NEVER use hypromellose, AKA "veggie" caps.

I value my fan's health over using cheap, pharmaceutical products.

If you're a vegan and want to choke down pharmaceutical blowback, go for it.
But stop emailing me.

For the rest of you, TRASH your veggie caps! Stock up on
veggie-cap FREE nutrients here:

Dare to Live (smart) Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Get all of nature's cardiovascular cures in ONE truly natural capsule!
Loaded with magnesium, hawthorn, garlic and grape seed extract, Cardio
FX strengthens your entire cardiovascular system with ONE pill! Visit to protect yourself!