Subject: Vaccines Did NOT Save Us From POLIO! They Lied!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Chemist: Vaccines Did Not Stop Polio! Stop Using That To Defend Shots, It's Dumb!
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
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Vaccination is Not Immunization...The two words are NOT synonymous. 

It’s widely believed that vaccines work by triggering immunity. When the body is injected with weak or dead infectious agents (i.e., the vaccine), it’s thought that the appropriate immune defense is triggered. That’s why these shots are often and incorrectly referred to as “immunizations.”

Believing that vaccination is the same thing as immunization, many people reference the polio vaccine and its so-called history of eradicating the paralyzing disease. However, when you look past the industry-funded hype, the argument doesn’t hold up. In fact, it proves that sometimes a vaccine can cause the very illness it’s trying to prevent!


Polio is the most feared childhood illness. It has caused paralysis and death throughout much of human history. Its mere mention inspires terrifying images of crippled children and the Iron Lung. However, these associations are more the result of Pharma-inspired indoctrination than actual polio risk.

In 1910 the world experienced a dramatic increase in polio. This spike in illness was the driving force behind the great race toward the development of a polio vaccine. Mounting public fear became the perfect sales opportunity for drug makers working alongside the government (as usual). 

Here’s how the scheme played out.

Starting in the early 1940’s, the March Of Dimes (a "non-profit" organization set up courtesy of the U.S. government) began grooming the public with a manipulative vaccine marketing campaign. 

...just like the same families today are grooming COVID fear.

Feeding everyone gruesome images of crippled children, they used sensationalist publicity to gain public favor of vaccines. (This was prior to a single vaccine ever being developed or even studied.) 

Essentially, the March of Dimes fabricated an epidemic that had not yet occurred to win favor for a remedy (vaccine).

...sound familiar?

Once put into a fearful polio frenzy, people were emotionally powerless to resist. The well-planned front group began siphoning tax dollars away from the government and towards its own pharmaceutical companies in the name of polio immunization—a perceived remedy by the public. 

Nine million dollars of government money (worth a hundred million today) was doled out for “successful immunization.” It was the perfect crime—scare the masses, use tax dollars to fund vaccine makers, make millions in sales. (As you’ll see, they still use the same heist today to make billions worldwide.)

In 1953, as planned, the first official polio vaccine was developed and served up to a ravenous public. 

Natural Immunity

But the vaccine came too late and was no longer needed. Thanks to improvements in hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition, the rates of polio infection plummeted before vaccine intervention began...courtesy of NATURAL IMMUNITY!

Infection rates also dropped for the Black Plague and many other horrific illnesses for which vaccines were never developed! 

These diseases were slowly eradicated naturally through a change in human habits that favored better nutrition, hygiene and natural immunity. This fact has been well documented, but always ignored. 

Even the CDC acknowledged the phenomenon, stating, “The 19th century shift in population from country to city that accompanied industrialization and immigration led to overcrowding in poor housing served by inadequate or nonexistent public water supplies and waste-disposal systems. These conditions resulted in repeated outbreaks of cholera, dysentery, TB, typhoid fever, influenza, yellow fever, and malaria. By 1900, however, the incidence of many of these diseases had begun to decline because of public health improvements, implementation of which continued into the 20th century. Local, state, and federal efforts to improve sanitation and hygiene reinforced the concept of collective “public health” action (e.g., to prevent infection by providing clean drinking water).” 

Even today, the risk of paralysis from polio infection is still only 1% of those infected, just like it was in the early 1950s despite the media insisting there was an “epidemic.”

Still, mass vaccination continued in the 1950s, thanks to the March of Dimes draining the government of money. 

As polio became less common, many people falsely praised the vaccines—not better hygiene, nutrition, or sanitation—for its defeat. In time, the vaccine was celebrated for its so-called ability to eliminate the paralyzing virus, while the drug’s side effects were ignored, buried, and forgotten.

But people caught on...researchers around the world began learning of the drug’s notorious side effects, one of which was polio itself. In other words, they noticed the “medicine” was causing the very disease it was intended to protect against.

The Medical Journal of Australia discovered “the relation of prophylactic [preventive] inoculations [polio vaccines] to the onset of poliomyelitis [polio]” as far back as 1951 during early testing. In their research they found increased polio outbreaks among the “immunized.”

In 2004 the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that despite a three billion dollar effort to vaccinate as many people as possible, “ten previously polio-free countries across Africa have now been reinfected.” The United States showed the same trend. To quote the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “From 1980 through 1999, a total of 162 confirmed cases of paralytic poliomyelitis were reported, an average of 8 cases per year. . . . The remaining 154 (95%) cases were vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) caused by live oral polio vaccine.”

Eerily similar to the March of Dimes heist in the 1950s, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has marched off with over eight billion dollars by convincing foreign governments like Africa and India to foot the bill for more polio vaccines. In 2007 Reuters published “Nigeria Fights Rare Vaccine-Derived Polio Outbreak,” showing how the vaccine itself ignited outbreaks of polio in Nigeria, Chad, and Angola.(8)

According to The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, the polio vaccine program launched by Bill Gates paralyzed 47,500 children in 2011 alone. Indian doctors pleaded, “clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis, non-polio acute flaccid paralysis was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.” In other words, the more people who got the shots, the more cases of paralysis the country suffered from.

The data is clear. Using the polio vaccine to defend vaccination for its ability to immunize is a weak argument. If you dig even deep- er, you can also trace the vaccine to other health complications like cancer and immune deficiency. Pushing for mass vaccination is not only ignorant, it’s criminal.

Vaccines are Roulette

Today’s vaccines are, by definition, a crapshoot. Just like with polio, the whooping cough vaccination came too late. Between 1900 and 1935, mortality rates due to whooping cough dropped by 79% in the United States. Yet the vaccine intended to eliminate it (DTP and DTaP) wasn’t introduced until 1940.

Today those who have been “immunized” for pertussis are the most susceptible to whooping cough. Researchers with the CDC publicly stated in 2002, “the number of infants dying from whooping cough is rising, despite record high vaccination levels.” In 2009 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recognized the trend as well. In an article titled, “Whooping Cough Vaccine not as Powerful as Thought,” the publication highlighted a recent cluster of 18 whooping cough-infect- ed students. Seventeen of those students—95% of those infected— had been immunized with five doses of DTaP vaccine.

The measles vaccine shows the same paltry results. In 1957 the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) shot became widely used in an effort to eradicate these three diseases. The CDC insisted the vaccine would eliminate mumps in the United States by the year 2010. But rather than preventing mumps and measles, the MMR shot has actually caused widespread epidemics. Outbreaks have become the norm. Those who have suffered the most were “vaccinated.”

Between 1983 and 1990, there was a 423% increase in measles cases among vaccinated individuals. In 2006 the largest mumps outbreak in twenty years occurred. Among those infected, 63% were “immunized,” as shown by Neil Z. Miller in Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? Others found similar results. In The Journal of Infectious Diseases, scientists from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine wrote, “Vaccine failure accounted for a sustained mumps outbreak in a highly vaccinated population.”

In his book, How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor, the late Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, warned parents that vaccinated individuals are 14 times more likely to contract mumps than unvaccinated individuals are.

Over time, these stunning vaccine failures led the Iowa Department of Public Health to conclude, “. . . Our most important public health tool against this disease—2 doses of MMR vaccine—is not providing the necessary levels of protection to control mumps in the U.S. population.” Even the Mayo Clinic, which is a bastion of mainstream medicine, states, “vaccine failure has become increasingly apparent.”

The flu vaccine has proven to be just as worthless. In 2007 the CDC reported it had “no or low effectiveness” against influenza or influenza-like illnesses. The data showed the flu vaccine protected no more than 14% of those who received it. This wasn’t some fluke, either. The vaccine is rarely any more effective than that.

Even The New York Times reported, “The influenza vaccine, which has been strongly recommended for people over 65 for more than four decades, is losing its reputation as an effective way to ward off the virus.”

Vaccine science has quite a bit of catching up to do before it even remotely resembles the truth. If we are going to jab our children, then we at least need to know how these drugs work, so that we can better understand their efficacy and safety. Until then, vac- cine science is still experimental. Confirming this, The World Health Organization (WHO) wrote, “To generate vaccine mediated protection is a complex challenge. Currently available vaccines have largely been developed empirically, with little or no understanding how they activate the immune system.”

Vaccine failure isn’t a scientific quandary or a mystery. It’s easy to understand when you use uncommon sense. The immune system is programmed to recognize and attack invaders that come through the biological “front door,” not the skin. (The “front door” is comprised of the nose, mouth, and eyes.) This is especially true for young children—their immune system simply does not recognize biological invaders that come in through the skin (including weak or dead infectious agents contained in a vaccine). In Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, the WHO found, “Children under two years of age do not consistently develop immunity following vaccination.”

Doctors who do their homework understand that vaccines are ineffective. Dr. Ira Goodman, MD, FACS, ABHIM, a surgeon from Loyola Medical School, is one of them. Through email correspondence, he told me he is against vaccines simply because “they don’t work!”
Bottom line: vaccination is not the same thing as “immunization.” Vaccines don’t work. If they did, there wouldn’t be any out- breaks among the vaccinated.

Instead of admitting that vaccines don’t offer protection, health officials and pharmaceutical companies continue to push for MORE VACCINES as the solution! When you consider the growing history of vaccine failure—and the number of outright toxins contained in these experimental concoctions—the implications for public health are chilling.

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Time To Ditch The Meds!
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