Subject: Vaccines! Bill Gates Gets Stink Award

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

WARNING: Adult Language Ahead! I need your comments on the blog!  Love it, hate it.  Post your thoughts at the link below!

Bill Gates Gets Stink Award for Pushing Polio Vaccine, Still A Nerd

It started last night at Corkbar, an over priced, non-organic wine bar that has great food, in tiny portions. Sipping away the dollars and hours, my wife and I made the best of it with Public Displays of Affection (PDA) mixed with discussions of how to teach our kids to be more defiant to organized religion, Big Government and anything else that steals independence and freedom in the name of security. But,the nerds next to me almost ruined it, giving rise to my latest Stinky Sulfur Award and almost a fight gone bad...

All five wore nerd badges like dork pride beacons announcing their employment by a major tech company like Google, Yahoo or Microsoft. And the more sips (not glasses) of wine they had, the louder they got. As a chemist, I get it. Their IQ exceeds their weight, plus they don’t get out much. Add alcohol and you get the perfect nerd storm brewing in a bar: Annoying laughter minced with geek speak characterized by a preference for Greco-Latinate words over Germanic ones (“it’s my observation” instead of “I think”). That’s when I thought of Bill Gates...

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About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at