Subject: ~Use this trick to halt "holiday aging!" (Low stock alert, too!)


The best part about the holiday season is sweets! Our sugar
consumption skyrockets! I tone it down by using stevia, erythritol and
coconut palm sugar in all of our baking. But, at times, I still get too
much "sugar..."

That's why Cinnergy is mandatory for me.

A potent cinnamon and milk thistle supplement, Cinnergy keeps
my blood sugar down. Ultimately, this keeps slows the rate
at which aging occurs...Despite the occasional indulgence.

Let me show you how!

High blood sugar revs the biological process known as “cell
division.” Normally, this allows your body to repair itself. But, with
excess sugar floating in the blood, it forces cells to divide prematurely
and puts aging into overdrive.

The more frequently cells divide, the older you get.

That's because, every time your cells divide, a small portion of your DNA
is lost. Specifically, the shoe-string section at the end of the chromosome,
known as the telomere, gets a bit shorter.

As sugar consumption continues, your muscles get weaker, wrinkles
appear and eyesight fades. Eventually the organs begin to fail and death

You cannot avoid your telomeres becoming shorter as time goes by. But the
good news is that Cinnergy can dramatically influence the speed at
which it occurs.

Think of it just like the wear and tear you might put on a car.

The true “age” of your car has very little to do with the number of years that
go by since it was manufactured. After all, a car can sit in the garage for
many years and still run like new and have its entire useful life ahead of
it. On the other hand, a two- year-old car which has been driven every day
and has 150,000 miles on the odometer might be near the end of its useful

In other words, it has little to do with the chronological age of the
car... and everything to do with the number of miles and the amount of fuel
the car has burned during that time.

The same is true for your body. The more sugar calories you eat, the faster
you age, the less you eat, the slower.

To put a stop to sugar induced aging, I designed

Cinnergy forces your muscle cells to vacuum sugar from the blood
before it kick starts the aging process!

Get it?

Cinnergy curbs the amount of sugar in the blood and therefore prevents
it from flipping the aging switch!

Learn how to use this simple method for slowing the aging clock at

NOTICE: I am NEARLY sold out of Cinnergy, completely! The East coast
shipping house is totally out! Only the West coast plant is delivering.

Secure your order now before it's too late at

For a limited time, save 15% when you buy a 3-pack!

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist