Subject: ~Use This to Protect From Alzheimer's!

There aren’t many things scarier than losing your life and memory
prematurely from Alzheimers and Type II diabetes. Discovered over a
hundred years ago, Alzheimer’s Disease is characterized as a sticky mess
of protein tangles and “plaque” in the brain.

Akin to knotted fishing line, scrambled proteins are the result of
oxidative stress. And it’s inexorably tied to Type II diabetes. In
other words, if sugar is rotting your insides with free radicals and
oxidation, you can bet it’s going to attack the brain in your later
years. But don’t fear, science has identified some very potent allies to
shield you from both - true cinnamon and milk thistle.

The clinical studies on both of these natural ingredients prompted the
formulation of my all-natural product, “Cinnergy” over 10 years ago.

Designed for anyone battling blood sugar, I’ve received emails that read,
"My dad was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. His A1C was 17 and his sugar
330 [normal is 95]! His doctors were terrified and wouldn’t let him leave without
insulin. I told him to take Cinnergy instead. At his 1 year mark his blood sugar
was between 120-140 and his A1C was 7! It worked!”

Best of all, this fan won’t have to worry about all the complications of
diabetes like heart disease, cancer and dementia. But, it gets better.

The latest research shows that cinnamon extracts - cinnamaldehyde and
epicatechin - can prevent the “tangles” among brain cells responsible
for Alzheimer’s! That is according to new results published in the
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Led by Donald Graved, PhD, the study showed that cinnamon acted as a
molecular shield, protecting the brain from protein tangles. "Take, for
example, sunburn, a form of oxidative damage," said Graves. "If you wore a
hat, you could protect your face and head from the oxidation. In a sense
this cinnamaldehyde is like a cap.”

It’s well known that sugar also damages the liver, as do artificial
flavors and excessive alcohol. Brimming with milk thistle, Cinnergy has
you covered there, too.

Mayo Clinic recently announced that, “Multiple studies from Europe
suggest benefits of oral milk thistle for cirrhosis. In experiments up to
five years long, milk thistle has improved liver function and decreased the
number of deaths that occur in cirrhotic patients.”

Stopping oxidative stress and reversing insulin resistance goes a long way
in the battle against Alzheimer’s, Type II diabetes and premature death.
Unfortunately, not a single FDA approved drug can do either one. But
cinnamon and milk thistle are proving to be true rock stars in the world of
botanical medicine.

Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy contains the purest forms of milk thistle and cinnamon!
Even better, it contains NO coumarin! And, you don't have to worry about
a single, risky interactions with meds or other natural products!

Start Cinnergy now and watch your blood sugar PLUMMET to healthy
levels! Get your life back, ditch the meds: