Subject: ~Use This Milk Thistle to Revive Withering Liver! (PIC!)

The People's Chemist
Time To Heal Your Overstressed Liver?
Cinnergy Liver
Milk thistle is in the news!

The superstar ingredient is known technically as a flavonoid, called
silymarin. It's best known for it's ability to regenerate and protect the liver.

I’ve been writing about the vast benefits of milk thistle for the last 5
years. It has an endless “rap sheet” of positive outcomes for the body.

What is Milk Thistle Good For?

For over 2000 years, milk thistle has been used to treat acute hepatitis, chronic liver disease, jaundice, and gall stone disease.

It also has an extraordinary ability to protect us from toxic exposure.
Milk thistle successfully protects the liver, while escorting harsh, toxic chemicals out of the body. This natural detox cure has proven
wildly beneficial in protecting us from environmental toxins, including prescription drugs.

Studying milk thistle’s protective qualities, Mayo Clinic recently announced  that, “Multiple studies from Europe suggest benefits of oral milk thistle for cirrhosis. In experiments up to five years long, milk thistle has improved liver function and decreased the number of deaths that occur in cirrhotic patients.”

See what I mean!?

Unfortunately, not all milk thistle products are equal. 

Over the years, I’ve watched countless supplement companies adulterate their products with toxic substances like chromium picolinate, processed soy oils, titanium dioxides and sodium lauryl sulfates.

Worse, I’ve even tested other products that claim to be potent water or alcohol extracts and found they didn’t carry ANY of the medicinal
compounds intended by Mother Nature. Once altered in the lab, my results showed conclusively that the quality of products dwindled.

Yet, science continues to discover the vast benefits of using
“medicinally active” milk thistle.

That’s why I set out to offer a safe and effective product — Cinnergy ( — to help consumers avoid the marketing shenanigans of the supplement industry, while also using it as the guardian of their health, fitness, and longevity…and that includes heart health!

Cinnergy ( is chock full of the highest quality milk thistle, along with organic medicinal cinnamon.

Together, these two ingredients make the body young again.

One TPC fan wrote, “I’m done with meds. I trashed Metformin [diabetes drug] and tried Cinnergy. My numbers are far better than meds ever could do. And I have the energy to take walks at night with my wife. Thanks!”

Another fan wrote, “My doctor recommended Cinnergy because I had elevated liver enzymes. My numbers plummeted after three weeks.”

And that’s just for starters.

As a detox remedy, Cinnergy works in three distinct ways to preserve health:

- Once ingested, the active ingredients bind to the squishy membrane of our liver cells to form a protective “shield.” This keeps foreign, toxic molecules out and essential nutrients in.

- Milk thistle also protects us from oxygen shock that occurs from too many free radicals caused by excess exercise, sun exposure, alcohol intake, and sugar, making it a potent antioxidant.

- As a natural detoxification cure, it can also serve as a “biological
janitor” to clean up foreign molecules. Through a process known
technically as conjugation, milk thistle attaches to foreign molecules and carries them out of the body, keeping the liver free from the accumulation of toxic threats.

And now researchers are discovering it also protects the heart.

Try your first bottle of Cinnergy, and watch as health issues melt away:

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. A fan wrote, “I recommended Cinnergy to a co-worker who was a heavy drinker and was facing a liver biopsy. He took Cinnergy religiously and avoided the procedure altogether.” Amazing!

Use Cinnergy to protect the liver from toxins, safely lower blood sugar, heal the body’s metabolism, burn belly fat, prevent premature aging, banish wrinkles, and more. Stock up now at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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