Subject: Urgent Report: Plastic in Your Soda?

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

This one is dedicated to all my fit, sexy and smart fans who love to have fun without risking health!  Below you will find the test results for my BPA study on Zevia soda.  Read it, and forward this breaking news and lifesaving information to friends and family who wonder why you're so particular about what you drink..... 

I want to hear your comments to, so follow the link below, read and tell me what you think about this shocking update.  What else should I test for you?

WARNING: Language is for adults only. 

Does Your Favorite Soda Have Toxic BPA In It?

I try not to let anything ruin my fun.  And I’ll be damned if the plastic toxin known as BPA is going to stop me from drinking soda.  But it almost did.

BPA is used in the food and drink packaging industry for its durability and versatility.  The risks to health and longevity are enormous though, and have been known since the early 1900’s.  Primarily, it throws hormone harmony out of whack, which means it’s a toxic gender bender that can cause women to grow a fuzzy upper lip and men tits.  Later, cancer can manifest and claw-out your insides.  It’s horrid for babies too.

Get the full results here:

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at