Subject: Urgent FAQ


My husband has the symptoms you mention concerning insulin resistance:
30 lbs overweight,
low sex drive,
so-called high cholesterol #'s out of control)

He tests negative for diabetes, even the pre-diabetic test shows negative. He has one other symptom that has us concerned. He has pain and tingling and numbness in both his feet and lower legs.

He's been diagnosed as having neuropathy but not related to diabetes. But the doctors, of coarse, don't seem to be concerned with the cause of it,
only treating the symptoms. He is on Amitriptilyn [antidepressant] to help with the shooting pains and tingling. I know that Neuropathy is progressive and will eventually attack the bones but are helpless so far in finding any
answers to Mark's ailments. Can you give us some direction?

Answer: Yes.

First, the antidepressant is not APPROVED for the purpose of neuropathy!
Thus, in addition to pre-diabetes, he now faces the deadly consequence of
drug induced illness, which affects about one million more people (2 million total) than pre-diabetes! 

And you paid this doctor!?

He is not being diagnosed as insulin resistance (pre-diabetic) because his body is "HIDING" the high blood sugar by pumping mass amounts of insulin into his blood, which shields high blood sugar, so to speak.  It is his bodies last "hoorah" in an attempt to protect him from sugar.  The insulin is making him fat while causing all sorts of other health problems. 

His pre-diabetes state is not being identified by one-dimensional medical doctors because they are just looking at blood sugar.  Meanwhile, his testosterone is plummeting and the blood sugar and insulin is damaging his arteries.  The pain and tingling is being caused by AGE products (a by-product of high blood sugar).  NO DRUG will stop this decline of health which results in early death.  The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery will!

The AM PM Fat Loss package is no longer available.  But he can get the package in separate pieces.  Start with the Ebook!  His life depends on it.

See here:


Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Organic Chemist, Author Health Myths Exposed
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