Subject: Urgent: Bullets Sprayed


I've seen it happen first-hand: 

Man chases wealth.  Man - in all his wisdom - forgets the immense value in health.  Man gets depressed once he learns that no amount of money will buy him a few more years.  Man eats an anti-depressant (SSRI). Man gets aggressive.  And I'm not talking about the aggression of a People's Chemist -  the type that helps me degrade a group of drug reps in a hotel lobby. Or the type that helps me verbally assault a statin drug pushing doctor for three hours on a plane flight.  I'm talking about the type of aggression that confers ideas of spraying people with bullets. That is what SSRI's can bring.  And, as shown in my book Health Myths Exposed, the drug industry hides this in the clinical trials.  And the media hides this daily!

I'm amazed how an alphabet of 26 letters can be used to confuse the masses and obfuscate the obvious. Is there a pill for curing my innate aversion to idiocy? No, just a drink.

I'm glad the people on this list are so wise to health and dedicated to taking action on those things they learn here!  Thanks!

Oh yes, I know, there are people here that are not mentally talented and are just looking for free shit  - and always hate it when I use 4 letter words. I don't get it...It is so easy to remove yourself from this list? Go read some "alternative health" site that strives to be academic and intelligent...It makes for great sleep medicine.

You won't get alternative anything here.  You only get the real and present dangers to your health - like SSRI's. 

And I'm not gonna try to sell you on some retarded root, weed, or algae that is gonna make you thin in a matter of minutes - even if you have been fat, large and in-charge your whole life...I'll only offer the education behind your fat storing hormone and how to control it, along with depression (reality check: Depression comes and goes.  It is not a disease and pills don't cure it, just worsen it:

Take 3.5 minutes to read my Stinky Sulfur Award expose and learn how to prevent depression without having to buy a gun.

And if you don't care about it now, you might when your aspartame overdosed office mate eats an SSRI and brings a gun to work 'cause he is tired of hearing you tell him how aspartame can kill you...

Life Extension with No Nonsense,

The People's Chemist