Subject: ~URGENT: Avoid This Common Dental Procedure (If You Can!)


I must warn you to avoid this common dental procedure...X-rays.

While on travel, I looked up a "holistic dentist" to scheduled a routine
cleaning. On arrival, I was told I needed an X-ray.

Ridiculous. For a cleaning?

X-rays should only be used in an emergency. Too many and your
neck and body become a breeding ground for cancer.

I'm not the only one who understands this.

"To reduce future projected cancers from diagnostic procedures [X-ray], we
advocate the widespread use of evidence-based appropriateness criteria
for decisions about imaging procedures."

- Cancer Journal for Clinicians

Having internalized this over the decades, I told Mr. Holistic Dentist
that my history with dental x-rays does not allow it, as I've reached my
personal limit from emergency dental work I received as a child.

He ignored that.

Mr. Holistic, not knowing anything about me or my background, insisted
that X-rays were as safe as sun exposure.

I stood my ground and declined the X-ray.

I was refused service.

My blood boiled over his ignorance. I smiled, went to a happy place, and
walked out. I was sure to thank him for, "wasting my time." He was
speechless...If I was in full TPC mode, he probably would have ended
up in the ER, getting X-rays on his knees. (Just kidding.)

What part of holistic does this guy practice?

First, he refused to account for my dental history. Second, he is
ignorant of the radiation threat. And finally, he refused to help a
patient get a routine cleaning for preventive health, which is the
foundation of a truly holistic practice.

This is more proof that the medical industry is swollen with
dictators who refuse to treat for health, only wealth.

...X-rays are big money, compared to just a simple cleaning. And sadly,
every time I hear of a child with brain cancer, I can't help but to wonder,
"How many times did they go to the dentist?"

Here's the latest research:

"Five epidemiological studies of brain, cranial meninge, and salivary gland
tumor sites reviewed implicate prior dental radiography [X-ray] with
increased risk of subtentorial intracranial meningiomas and tumors of the
parotid gland."

- Journal of the American Dental Association

"People who reported having "bitewing" X-rays [at dentist visit] at least
yearly were found to have a 40% to 90% greater risk of meningioma

- Yale

This is proof that the cancer threat is everywhere and doctors are
ignoring it!

That's why turmeric, rich in curcumin, is vital in today's toxic environment.
In fact, turmeric is so potent at warding off cancer, it even works to repair
damage caused by X-rays.

Scientists writing for Integrative Cancer Therapies wrote, "Gargling with
turmeric by head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy
provided significant benefit by delaying and reducing the severity of
mucositis. Turmeric is readily available, relatively inexpensive, and
highly accepted making it useful in cancer treatment."

Put a cancer shield on every day with and start
putting turmeric to use, before it's too late!

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