Subject: ~URGENT: Are you getting the right kind of protein?


How do you know if you're getting the right kind of protein?

Protein can come from eggs, chicken, meat, pea, soy, hemp and much more.

But what's the best?

The best protein is the kind that delivers the full spectrum of the nine,
essential amino acids. Known as "complete proteins," these come from animal
sources like grass- fed beef, whey isolate, cottage cheese, and eggs.

(Since plant based proteins are lacking in essential amino acids,
vegetarians and vegans will want to supplement heavy with the complete
protein known as brewer's or nutritional yeast.)

A lack in essential amino acids from complete proteins will manifest into
poor mental and physical health. That's because your body is always

Like a lizard shedding its skin, your skeletal system, muscles and even
your internal organs – a phenomenon known as cellular turnover – are
replaced in time thanks to complete proteins. These amino acid-rich
compounds ensure that your old, weak cells are replaced with fully
functional, new, supple ones!

It's quite amazing...

To better appreciate this, think of your birthday…just this month we
celebrated Lily's 16th birthday, Blair's 12th bday and Mom's birthday!
Their body and brains are 100% different than they were a year ago! The
cells that make them up have ALL been replaced…and since they have diets
rich in Whey Advanced (, red meat and eggs, their
new cells are healthier than the previous ones.

Unlike carbohydrates and fats, complete proteins provide the body with the
building blocks needed to ensure:

- Proper cell turnover
- Hormone balance, output and sensitivity
- Lean body mass,
- Libido,
- Blood pressure,
- Pain sensitivity,
- And even our emotions, just to name a few.

Without enough protein, your body will decay, fast, rather than live young.

Just as the 26 letters of the alphabet can produce an infinite number of
sentences, just twenty amino acids attach and tangle themselves to carve
out our physical stature through the biological process known as

The liver and the pancreas regenerate every year or two (or even quicker if
the liver is injured). In the first year of life our entire skeletal system
is replaced. And as adults, 10% of it is regenerated annually, unless
injury occurs, then it takes place much quicker.

The cells that line our gastrointestinal tract, and the epidermis of the
skin are exposed to daily challenges, causing them to be replaced every
five days and every few weeks, respectively.

Without amino acids from protein calories to push the production of new,
healthy tissue, illness and even pain, discomfort and unhappiness prevails.

And that's exactly why I designed Whey Advanced - to help your body replace
itself with healthier ones so you could live young.

Most protein powders today are filled with artificial crap. Skim the
ingredients label, and you'll find a barrage of ingredients that wreck
hormones and destroy health like sucralose and acesulfame-K.

Another study on the harmful effects of these sweeteners showed that both
screw up the body's ability to process glucose.

Glucose is a fancy term for sugar. Every time you eat a meal, glucose
circulates in the blood. Your body views it as toxic and tries to get rid
of it as soon as possible. In a normal, healthy individual, this process
occurs efficiently.

But when you feed your body artificial sweeteners, you interfere with this
vital process.

Richard Young, PhD, of the University of Adelaide in Australia, and his
colleagues conducted a study examining what happens when people consume
sucralose and acesulfame-K. (Both of these are "zero-calorie" sugar
substitutes — AKA junk.)

Acesulfame-K is also known as Acesulfame potassium, Ace K, Sunett, and
Sweet One.

Sucralose is sold under the brand name, Splenda.

Both cause cause MORE glucose to get absorbed into the blood…a perfect
recipe for deadly diabetes.

So take two minutes to check the ingredient label on your protein
powder…does it contain either of these health-butchering sweeteners? If
so, toss it. It belongs in the garbage.

For a protein powder that's 100% free of artificial crap, use my Whey
Advanced protein:

Whey Advanced is Mother Nature's healing miracle food. Designed to build
lean, sexy muscle, it nourishes the body from the inside out…making you
stronger, more efficient, and happier! (It's a mood booster, too!)

Best of all, Whey Advanced contains ZERO artificial sweeteners or

It's available in chocolate and vanilla, 100% naturally sourced, local

Take 60 seconds to watch the free video, and stock up:


Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Protein powders are notorious for having sucralose and acesulfame-K.
Researchers have confirmed that these two garbage ingredients ruin your
body's ability to process glucose! If your protein powder has either of
these…toss it in the trash!

Instead use Whey Advanced, which is 100% free of artificial sweeteners and
other crap. I designed this product to be a source of high-quality protein
for people who want to live young. (It's Mother Nature's forgotten
miracle food.)

Stock up at