Subject: URGENT! 60,000 Pilots to LOSE 3rd Class Medical!


According to AOPA, 60,000 pilots will lose their 3rd
Class Medical within 10 years! High blood pressure and
weight gain is the main culprit.

Some pilots have accepted this as a natural part of aging.

Others have refused and decided to fight back with prescription drugs
or "vitamins."

Sadly, both are a wild card.

Today's blood pressure drugs increase weight and also the risk of Type
II diabetes.

Most vitamins are nothing more than flim-flam marketed by hucksters online.

Due to side effects and lack of efficacy, pilots are getting worried! They
don't want to stop flying, nor do they want to risk their lives.

Fortunately, as a chemist, I found the solution years ago - CardioFX.

With Cardiofx, pilots are able to control blood pressure without the
worry of side effects. That means they can keep their 3rd Class Medical
and stop stressing about poor heart health. More importantly, it adds
years of flying to their logbooks!

A recent user of CardioFX wrote to say, "I thought I was going to have to
downgrade to a flimsy, light sport plane or stop flying simply due to high
blood pressure. I took a chance with your CardioFX, against my doctors
wishes...In two weeks, I was normal!"

Doctors too, are enjoying the benefits of CardioFX. Dr. Romano, MD sent this:

"I was on 3 different blood pressure meds and my BP was still 170/100 for
the last 3 years! Now, after getting off the meds and taking CardioFX, with
no other changes, my BP is 124/ 78. You have got me convinced!"

Learn more about CardioFX at

NOTE: Save 15% when you add three to your cart.

Live young, fly safe!

Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison
Chemist, Pilot