Subject: ~Two Natural Ways to Secure Cardio Health (One available on Amazon!)


With four kids, I've learned that sanity comes with keeping them busy.
Blair is my 11 year old and for years I've been telling him, "go figure out
how it works!" From an engine to a lightbulb to a refrigerator, he's been
stumped and curious...and kept busy for hours.

Figuring out how blood pressure works is something everyone should
know because ultimately, that understanding parlays into an action plan
for securing cardiovascular here's the short of it:

Being alive raises blood pressure (BP).

And you usually don’t need medications to adjust it. Unfortunately
though, far too many people have been drugged by their doctors to curb the
natural rise. This is a dangerous game of roulette. Understanding what a
normal, healthy BP is will help you make better decisions about medications
and their natural alternatives.

Long term blood pressure is controlled primarily by the kidneys via a
chemical cascade known technically as the renin-angiotensin system. This
was discovered in 1898 with studies made by scientists who found that
they could manipulate blood pressure with kidney extracts.

Decades later, chemists from Eli Lily in Indianapolis and the Medical
Medical School of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, isolated the
chief compound responsible for raising blood pressure and named it

Today, this kidney specific molecule is the primary target for many blood
pressure controlling meds - block it and blood pressure drops and the
other way around.

Meanwhile short term spikes in blood pressure typically result from
increased heart rate, blood volume or the expanding and narrowing of
arteries and veins. All of these regulators of blood pressure are
important to know because nature and Big Pharma offer numerous ways of
manipulating them to maximize control cardiovascular health.

What’s unknown are the incalculable feedback mechanisms that trigger the
rise and fall of blood pressure. From exercise, passion, fear, stress
excitement, obesity, smoking to the immune system, numerous triggers can
spike blood pressure. Some are normal some not so normal. The trick is
deciding when to intervene.

One of the best methods for securing cardiovascular health is daily
supplementation with beetroot powder and hawthorn (

Both work to increase nitric oxide, strengthen the heart, bust unruly
blood clots and open up arteries and veins! Combined, this ensures that
our entire cardiovascular system is better able to regulate and control
blood pressure to norms that don't threaten longevity.

Learn more at

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. My favorite beetroot powder comes from Amazon at
and my ultra-potent hawthorn product is found at