Subject: ~Turmeric/Curcumin Sale Ends in 2 Hours!


Yesterday I released a new video titled, "Chemist Says: Better Than
Chemo, No Side Effects!"

The 'organic' views are going through the roof...and so are orders for
Daily Dose, my curcumin-rich multi-vitamin. (Unfortunately, the
video has been censored on multiple social media sites and

For the next 2 hours, you can get Daily Dose for 20% off at

Currently, we're living in the most censored society in recorded history.
And it's getting worse.

At its most effective, censorship replaces the truth. Everything that's
censored - in time - is thought to deserve it. Anything or anyone that
goes against the grain or rocks the boat is objected to and the truth-tellers
are shunned and black-balled.

For example, in China, The Ministry of Truth has successfully persuaded
the Chinese public that the heroes of Tiananmen Square were actually
traitors - people bent on tearing apart the nation. In reality, they
were risking their lives to save it.

This is the final victory of the censor: The masses become totally unable to
to imagine what is true.

This has become the norm in healthcare...say no to chemo, vaccines, statins
or blood pressure meds, then you're risking your life, not saving it. Anyone
that tells you otherwise is labeled a quack or charlatan for selling you
information and products that can replace the toxic drugs...

Censorship - over decades - has won the minds of the minions.

Except for people like Gordon....See the new shocking vid at

Meanwhile, Daily Dose is on sale for 2 more hours are

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Want to get deep restful sleep while also warding off multiple types
of cancer? Add my valerian-rich Serotonin FX to your order! Multiple
studies have shown a relationship between lack of sleep and some of the
top cancers in the United States: breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.
In addition, research suggests that people who have sleep apnea have
an increased risk of developing any type of cancer! Add Serotonin FX
to your order at