Subject: ~Truth About Your Thyroid Test Results!


Millions of overweight people have been taking synthroid for decades
without any success....yet they still choke down the meds, often
saying that their thyroid blood tests demand it...

Doctors know if they can get you to take a blood test designed to
fail…you'll be more susceptible to getting hooked and staying on
thyroid meds.

In some cases, such tests have helped identify rare thyroid diseases —
but only when coupled with many other physical symptoms.

Otherwise, it's ridiculous to use a blood test solely for measuring
metabolic activity to diagnose an underactive thyroid!

A blood test is only a snapshot of a much larger hormonal picture. It
doesn't indicate what's going on in your body around the clock. Since it's
only aimed at quantifying high or low levels of a given substance, it can't
measure hormone sensitivity or gauge the unique balance required for proper

Thyroid tests are also limited by the many factors that can skew their
results, such as time of day, diet, and even prescription drug and
supplement use. Any single variable can sway outcomes and incorrectly
capture what's going on hormonally.

For instance, your thyroid may be functioning perfectly, but if you're
taking a drug that slows its function temporarily, you could be incorrectly
diagnosed with a thyroid issue.

The following medications are the most prominent deceivers:

- Amphetamines

- Androgens

- Birth control

- Chemotherapy

- Estrogen-containing birth control pills glucocorticoids
- Lithium carbonate mitotane

- Orlistat
- Anabolic steroids antidepressants

- Blood pressure meds estrogen

- Fluorouracil

- Levodopa

- Methadone hydrochloride nicotinic acid
- Tamoxifen citrate

If you're taking any of the drugs above, and you get a "thyroid test" done
at your doctor's office, you run the risk of being incorrectly diagnosed
with a thyroid problem.

Read that sentence again!

If you're taking any of the drugs above, and you get a "thyroid test" done
at your doctor's office, you run the risk of being incorrectly diagnosed
with a thyroid problem.

That's the perfect opportunity for doctors to slap your ass on thyroid meds
for life!

Don't fall for the scam.

If you're currently overweight or gaining weight, it's not your thyroid!

Get your best body in 90 days without meds and start

The People's Chemist

P.S. Find out why the obese all over the country are trading in their "fat
pants" for smaller sizes…thanks to!

If you're looking for a safe way to lose fat, AMPM Fat Loss will guide you
to your best physique in 90 days or less. I designed this program for
people who are ready to permanently eject themselves from the "Fat Cow Hall
of Shame." No risky thyroid meds or tests needed.

Get started here: