Subject: True story. Amazing, too!



Here's something amazing...

My buddy from the gym was 30
years old when he was diagnosed with cancer -- Hodgkin's Lymphoma, to be

This is a disease where white blood cells stop functioning,
yet replicate wildly. Eventually, they take over healthy cells and the
person dies, tragically.

Luckily, when he caught the cancer, he was
equipped with the knowledge of how to beat it.

The key is to kill off
cancerous cells, while leaving healthy ones untouched.

And that’s
exactly what he did.

By getting control of his weight via The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery and
using the cures as later outlined in my book, Over-The-Counter Natural
Cures, he was able to selectively target deadly cells, with the precision
of a sniper, using cancer-killing compounds from nature!

Now, he's
about to celebrate his 39th birthday, cancer free.

My one motivation
for becoming a chemist was to be equipped with the knowledge required
to beat any illness, cancer included.

After all, you can’t depend on
government or healthcare these days. If you do, you’re doomed!

Had my gym buddy opted for chemo, there’s an 85%
chance he would be dead today. That’s how bad chemo kills.

learning too much as a pharmaceutical insider, I’ve made it my
mission to help others learn the process of natural healing.

The most
important thing I’ve discovered is that you cannot be
overweight and healthy at the same time. End of story.

This is not up for debate.

I didn’t make this rule, I’m just reporting it to you.

another way, your body cannot heal itself when shackled with
excess weight.

By letting our weight get out of control, we sabotage
our own ability to heal. No cure can help you.

The ability to heal is
within us all.

But if we are overweight, we suffocate it.

 Got it?

You must stop
self-sabotage if you are to heal...

“People who bite the hand that
feeds them usually lick the boot that
kicks them.” - Eric Hoffer

Helping yourself, rather than sabotaging yourself is a choice
only you can make. Fortunately for you, I’ve made it easier than

My AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package targets stubborn fat like
nothing else. That’s because it optimizes our hormone output, balance and

Plus, it’s only about $4 per day and comes with everything
you need to get your best body and health.

 Not only do you get a free
diet book along with support and 20% off
all the supplements you need for 3 monts, but if you order within 48 hours,
I’ll also send you a free copy of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures,
automatically. (That’s hundreds of dollars in discounts!)

See the
before and after photos and start living thin and trim at

Healing cancer is serious business.

And I take it very seriously. My gym buddy was no exception.

With weight loss and Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, many have
fought and won!
 One fan of the book even shared his story on Amazon,
writing that he overcame a potential melanoma tragedy.

Using what I dubbed “the $8 cancer fighter,” he applied it directly to
the threatening areas of his skin with honey. Over weeks, he watched it slowly
vanish, along with his concerns about his own longevity.

Over-The-Counter Natural Cures also thwarted an ovarian cancer
diagnosis. One reader wrote to say, “Three months ago I got a CA-125
test for ovarian cancer. It came back with “high numbers. My doctor
wanted me to have an ultrasound ($300 - $1,000), and depending on what it
showed, hinted that get ready to “fight cancer." I told him no and used
the protocol in ‘Over the Counter Natural Cures. After three months, and
at a cost of about $28, I went for a re-test. My results were “normal!”
At the same time I lost 21 pounds of fat and and now feel 17 years
younger...I kicked cancer in the butt, the easy and affordable way. Many

See the before and after photos and start living thin and
trim at

Dare to Live Young!

The People’s Chemist