Subject: ~True Cinnamon: Mega-Sale Offer Closes In Hours!

Type II diabetes is killing more people than the Sinaloa cartel.  But it's not just
the sugar-eating disease putting people into body bags, it's also the meds.

The meds are quickly becoming deadlier then the disease!

-----> There’s a better way and chemistry proves it! Keep reading for a
very limited time, special offer to take charge of your sugar once and
for all...

When it comes to anti-diabetic drugs, your doctor can choose from a host of
meds known collectively as “hypoglycemics.” 

Most popular are Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate), Actos (pioglitazone
hydrochloride), Januvia, Glucophage (metformin hydrochloride), and
Glucotrol (glipizide).

Use any one of these meds and you will see a drop in blood sugar.

But it’s not a healthy drop! In fact, despite your blood sugar being
lowered by meds, it’s causing you to die sooner!

In a press release issued by the Department of Health and Human Services,
the U.S. government alerted the public about the hypoglycemic risk: 

"Intensively targeting blood sugar [with hypoglycemics] to near- normal
levels in adults with Type II diabetes at especially high risk for heart
attack and stroke does not significantly reduce the risk of major
cardiovascular events, such as fatal or nonfatal heart attacks or
stroke, but increases risk of death, compared to standard treatment."

The disturbing news came from the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular
Risk in Diabetes Study Groups) study. The results were published in
the New England Journal of Medicine and showed that those taking drugs
like Avandia or Glucophage experienced the greatest drop in blood sugar and
plummeting longevity.

Want to get healthy and reverse Type II diabetes without the meds?

Alice did.

She wrote to me, sharing how her diagnosis terrified her…and what she did
about it!

"I went to get a check-up about 90 days ago and found out I was type II
diabetic, obese (which I knew but refused to acknowledge), and
hypertensive. Blood pressure was 145/95! I'm a truck driver and this is NOT
GOOD. My livelihood is at stake, and not only that — but my health is
diminishing fast; NOT THE WAY I WANT TO LIVE!!"

"I went to a naturopathic and he told me I was so sick, he didn't think he
could help me. I then went to a conventional doctor who diagnosed me with
type ll diabetes. This scared me, because I wasn't feeling well at all...I
was feeling bloated, my body felt sensitive to the touch and my mood swings
were so out of control no one wanted to be near me."

The doctor pumped Alice full of bad advice…as usual.

“My physician prescribed Metformin - 500mg daily- to bring blood sugar
down and vitamin D 50,000 twice weekly, and told me to eat 6 small meals
daily. So, being a good girl, I followed Dr's orders, took the meds, and
after about 90 days found that my blood sugar was NOT improving!"

Metformin is a popular drug used to "treat" type 2 diabetes…but it
doesn't treat anything!  It just makes everything worse.  Vitamin D is
euphemism for "drug made in a lab," which was sold as rat poison in the
'70's and rebranded as a "vitamin" now. Nobody needs it.

...Both are toxic.  

If you have high blood sugar, you don't need MEDS…Ditch them!

Don't wean yourself, it's not necessary! Find the nearest trash can and
throw your hypoglycemics AWAY!

Alice did just that.

"I stumbled across your YouTube channel! I listened to the ‘how to bring
down blood sugar' video. I started this about 2 weeks ago and I stopped the
drugs! I've been drinking cinnamon with lemon water for the last 2 weeks.
I've never been a supporter of meds and have been testing my blood
everyday. Slowly but surely, my blood sugar has come down. Today, it was
109!!!! 109?!!! That mean no more diabetes."

See that?

She ditched the meds and got healthier!


And in place of it she took true cinnamon and milk thistle.

That's what Cinnergy is all about! As a medicinal chemist, I designed
Cinnergy to have the purest, true cinnamon and milk thistle available on
the planet. It's not just regular cinnamon…it's medicinally active,
which means it counts as MEDICINE that actually works and it’s safe with
no medication interaction!

In addition to true, medicinal cinnamon, it also has milk thistle. This
provides fantastic liver protection and helps you flush toxins.

Unlike Metformin, Cinnergy actually lowers your blood sugar…and it does
this safely without trashing the rest of your body.

Watch your sugar numbers dive in a healthy, risk-free manner!

For a Type 2 diabetics, is also a great supplement for anyone battling
intense sugar cravings.

But don't trust just any old cinnamon product collecting dust on the
shelves…get the best cinnamon nature has to offer with Cinnergy!

…Oh and if you were wondering about Alice's other markers for health like
A1C and blood pressure, let her tell you:

"I just got my test results and my A1C came down from 7.1 now 6.1! Blood
pressure was 170/96, now 150/70. My pulse rate came down too, from 96 to
74. My test results were so amazing, my doctor now says I no longer need
to see her for diabetes! I say it's due to the cinnamon, milk thistle,
AM/PM weight loss program and cleanse program; I started these about a
month ago."

Way to go, Alice! You're a my hero and an inspiration to others…

Ditch the meds and take charge of your health!

She adds: "My weight also came down 13 lbs. But since I wasn't working out
at all, I was OK with this. I have lost inches, and this is more important
to me than the weight loss for now."

Results like these don't just magically happen…They happen as a result of
taking the correct actions.

"I'm so happy to have found your company!" says Alice. "I spread the word
everyday to friends and family. I'm blessed to have stumbled onto The
People's Chemist!"

-------> It's never too late to turn things around for your health and ditch the
meds…and for a very limited time, I’m making sure anyone and everyone
can afford Cinnergy!

-------> Anyone can have these safe, lasting results. And to prove it to you,
I'm taking 15% off Cinnergy 3-packs and tossing in my Secret Health Files
for FREE ($97 value!)!

-------> Secret Health Files is 4 hours of undiscovered and forbidden cures
directly from me, The People's Chemist. An audio course, I sell
Secret Health Files for $97. But for the next few hours, you get it FREE
when you buy Cinnergy 3-pack for 15% off!

-------> Loaded with true, medicinal cinnamon and milk thistle, Cinnergy is
the world's purest and most effective anti-diabetic pill ever developed.
Using my background as a medicinal chemist for Pharma, I formulated it to
work fast, safe and be affordable!

See results in 30 days!

------> Get this crazy, nobody-left-behind offer here:


Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy forces high blood sugar to plummet, better than meds and
without the side effects! For just a few hours, I’m taking 15% off
Cinnergy 3-packs and tossing in my Secret Health Files for FREE ($97

Secret Health Files is 4 hours of undiscovered and forbidden cures
directly from me, The People's Chemist. An audio course, I sell
Secret Health Files for $97. But for the next few hours, you get it FREE
when you buy Cinnergy 3-pack for 15% off!

Loaded with true, medicinal cinnamon and milk thistle, Cinnergy is
the world's purest and most effective anti-diabetic pill ever developed.
Using my background as a medicinal chemist for Pharma, I formulated it to
work fast, safe and be affordable!

See results in 30 days!

------> Get this crazy, nobody-left-behind offer here: