Subject: ~Triple Bypass Patient Ditches Meds for This!

Get off the heart meds already!

Barry did....

(And just to motivate you more, I'm going to show you how to get 15%
off my bestselling hawthorn supplement.)

Living previously on a handful of meds, he felt like a zombie.

In his own words:

"Over the past 8 or so years I have had a triple heart bypass operation
followed by three heart attacks…and I have lost count of the number of
stents I have in me! Of course I was on heart and blood pressure
medications, and so on. I was in such a drugged up state I could hardly do

Barry did what any intelligent person does…he began looking for things he
could do to bulletproof his cardiovascular system without meds.

"I started studying and came across the People's Chemist. I ordered Cardio
FX ( - started taking 3 twice daily a day - ditched all
the terrible drugs and am now feeling great. I'm able to do all the things that
I used to be able to do such as running around after my grandchildren,
gardening, motor bike riding, snowboarding, exercising and so on."

"Thanks for giving me my life back - keep up the good work."

Wow! Great job, Barry!

Glad to hear this story had a happy ending.

It doesn't always work out like this. Most people stay medicated until
it's too late. Very few know about hawthorn and it's ability to:

- Control blood pressure
- Strengthen the heart
- Attack risky blood clots

If you're at risk for a heart attack, or currently taking blood pressure
meds, or even considering heart surgery… then you definitely need to
learn about my hawthorn-rich, Cardio FX:

This life-saving supplement is designed to strengthen the heart and nourish
the cardiovascular system. It's loaded with hawthorn, garlic, grape seed
extract, and magnesium citrate - 4 powerful ingredients known to strengthen
and supercharge the heart. (It's NOT a drug! No side effects, either!)

Cardio FX really does give a person their life back.

Get the facts on deadly heart meds, and why you should avoid them:

Just as I was writing this, I got another testimonial from a happy fan:

"I just want to thank you for all of your hard work. I truly appreciate it.
I have learned so much in just a short amount of time being a customer.
I've only been a customer since December of 2016. I was referred by my very
good friend that has been a customer for years. My family and I currently
use cardio FX , daily dose, cinnergy, joint FX (husband and I) palmetto
(husband) and immune FX on hand. I started with cardio FX because my blood
pressure was high. I also for years had irregular heart beat and chest
pain. Went back and forth to several cardiologist, took many test and
everything came out good. Which is a good thing but very frustrating
feeling what I felt and not knowing what it could be. Since I been taking
cardio FX my blood pressure is good and I don't feel irregular heart beat
or chest pain that I was feeling on a regular basis. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart."

You can save 15% when you buy 3 bottles of hawthorn rich Cardio FX

Not only is it the most potent form of hawthorn, but it also comes with
many other botanical, cardiovascular cures!

Learn more at

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Alert: People taking blood pressure heart prescription meds are at a
higher risk of dying or being hospitalized for cardiac procedures compared
to those who stay off prescription drugs. Drugs are the problem, not the
solution. Scientific journals from around the world have confirmed this.

If you're done living in a "drugged state," then maybe it's time to ditch
the meds… try and save your heart health. (You may
just save a life!)