Subject: Toxicity Warning: Common Multi-Vitamin Ingredient


As a chemist in graduate school, I spent every minute of every
day in a lab. I was studying the actions of amino acids and hormones
while also learning how to make them in a round bottom flask.

There was always something to learn, especially from the people around

Working feverishly in the lab one day, a chemistry professor was
horrified at something she was looking at. I remember her calling me over
to have a look. It was as if she had never seen anything like it before.

Resting neatly under her microscope was a Petri dish containing DNA, the
building blocks of life. The professor had recently exposed the DNA to
chromium picolinate, an ingredient commonly found in multi-vitamin

Her intention with the experiment was to mimic vitamin consumption and
monitor the results.

The scene inside the Petri-dish looked as if a bomb had gone off.

It looked like terrorists had gotten a hold of the DNA and blown it to
smithereens. Chromosomes that were once neatly-coiled were now random
pieces of nucleotides scattered around like broken china.

You don't have to be a scientist to understand what happened here.

Like a grenade, chromium picolinate (look for it too in store bought
cinnamon products) blew the genetic map of the DNA to pieces. It was the
first piece of evidence proving that synthetic ingredients in vitamins can
be toxic.

Now think about the fact that chromium picolinate is an ingredient OFTEN

When your DNA gets f#$%d up, all sorts of bad things can happen... such
as cancer.

Seeing the effect that chromium picolinate had on the DNA in the Petri
dish, I couldn't help but wonder, "Why are people eating this shit?"

Truth be told, you've been lied to. Multi-vitamins are loaded with toxic fakes.
Chromium picolinate is only one adulterant. Vitamin D and folic acid
are two more that shave years from your lifespan.

Stop trusting the crap on your grocery store shelves!

The easy fix to start using Daily Dose. I designed this product to replace
all multi-vitamins. Loaded with curcumin, cayenne and much more, it's the
only multi-vitamin in the world that doesn't contain synthetic ingredients.

It's inexpensive and incredibly effective.

Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist