Subject: Total Immune Boosting Breakthroughs

Mother Nature's Total Immune Boosting Breakthroughs

Stop Fearing Super Bugs

By Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison (C) 2007

As a drug chemist, I used to fear going to work. I risked numerous health hazards - like being exposed to a cancer causing reagent and even losing my wedding ring to a chemical drain.  Cancer is bad, but having your wife feel like you are being careless about your marriage is worse. Unknown to her, I was washing off DNA twisting molecules that burned my skin and eyes while they vacuumed the air from my lungs.  My ring fell off somewhere between stripping off my clothes, pulling the lab's evacuation button, and yanking the emergency shower cord. I naively assumed that these were necessary risks for making so-called life saving drugs. I was wrong...Get full story here.