Subject: Total Heart Health

Texas Man Gets His Life (and Heart) Back

By Jeff Milano, CEO

Richard was on a daily cocktail of prescriptions
for high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. 
But, the meds were literally sucking the life
and energy out of him. 

This is a typical story of how “health care” has
become “sick care,” well documented on Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures. 

A pilot, Richards declining health and the subsequent
side effects threatened to keep him out of the sky! 
He lacked energy.  His heart was “acting up,” and he
even lost motivation and mental quickness…

Just over a month ago, he started reading Over-The-Counter Natural
Cures and began implementing the cures outlined in the
book – all of which cost less than $10 per month!

This is what Richard had to say after just 30 days...

"Cutting out most BP meds (except for water pills)
caused my BP to skyrocket for a time, but as of
yesterday, it was normal or better for a guy my
age. Shane said that normal BP for older folks is
higher and normal and there is proof that higher
BP does not necessarily increase health problem
risks. I stopped the Type 2 meds as well and sugar
is hovering around 125. If you’re taking all the
American Medical Association (AMA) crap I was, you
have to wean yourself off of it as I did with no
side effects.”

“Those doctor prescribed pills were killing me and
robbing me of all my energy and I mean ALL!”
The People’s seems like a God-Send, plus
I’ve been losing weight without really trying. The
blood pressure meds were blocking my metabolism –
as taught by Shane. Hell, you see all the side
effect warnings on prescript meds on TV! Shane is
right when he calls them “poison.”

“Shane just may be the most important man I’ve ever
met and I’m sending him a copy of this email to use
to help other folks should he choose to use any of
these quotes. Sign up for his health alert emails;
this guy is no snake oil salesman!”

- Richard, Texas

Supercharge your heart health with the People’s Chemist
Cardiovascular Repair Kit, Free Report at:

About Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison
Shane wrote Over-The-Counter Natural Cures to save lives! 
And you can read the Amazon reviews to see how it is
fulfilling it goal. 

In addition to being a bestselling author, he also
designed and manufactured a heart cure formula known as
Cardio FX.  Anyone can use it to handle or prevent
cardiovascular issues from threatening your health, your
livelihood, your free time... YOUR LIFE!  The ingredients
in Cardio FX are based on Nobel Prize winning science and
the results are measurable, and the price is as low as
a $10 per month!

Supercharge your heart health with the People’s Chemist
Cardiovascular Repair Kit, Free Report at: