Subject: ~Total Cardiovascular Cure (Get 15% Off!)

If a drug is a best-seller, it has nothing to do with safety and efficacy.
It just means that a million or so people have been lied to via Pharma,
FDA and Wall Street.  This is the Holy Trinity for amping up drug sales.

All three collude to hype meds you don’t need!

Worse, they cover-up the real-healers like hawthorn…which is flying out
of our warehouses ( But more on that in a minute.
Let’s talk about your “drugs.”

Aspirin, cholesterol-lowering meds and blood pressure drugs have been top
sellers for decades. Yet, they’re harmful to your health.

Sure, they're a lifesaver in times of emergency. But outside of that,
they're poison. Doctors and media want you to think otherwise.  But,
chemistry is telling you the truth.

Aspirin shreds your insides, causing excessive bleeding.  In clinical
trials, more people die from internal bleeding than are saved from stroke
or heart attack.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs damage everything from your mitochondria
(energy production) to your hormones.  As if lowering testosterone wasn't bad
enough, they also swipe your memory banks.

Blood pressure meds lead to belly fat, diabetes and cancer.

This stuff is all over the news. On any given day, there's a headline about
another pharmaceutical scam and it's subsequent destruction. 

Commenting on the broader use for cholesterol lowering drugs, The New York
Times wrote, "This may sound like good news for patients, and it would be
— if statins actually offered meaningful protection from our No. 1
killer, heart disease; if they helped people live longer or better; and if
they had minimal adverse side effects. However, none of these are the

Why is the use of dangerous drugs the norm?  

How do major institutions convince the masses to bludgeon themselves with


From California State University, Dr. Leemon McHenry wrote that,
"Pharmaceutical companies commonly employ ghostwriters, or uncredited
authors, to write or draft manuscripts that subsequently appear in
peer-reviewed medical journals under the name of one or more academic

"This practice, however, goes beyond simple drafting of a manuscript; it
provides an academic façade for research that has been designed, conducted
and analyzed by industry and for review articles that similarly obscure the
contributions of industry. Such camouflaged authorship undermines
scientific integrity and jeopardizes public health."

There's a better way. It’s hawthorn berries. And when formulated
properly and taken both day and night, hawthorn will protect you from:

- High blood pressure
- Unruly blood clots
- aFib
- Irregular heart beat
- Arrhythmias

(Can you see why we call it a total cardiovascular cure?)

Learn all about it now at

Take two minutes to be amazed. I'll let a recent fan tell you in her own
words how Cardio FX - designed for safety and measurable results - saved
her from leaving a place she loved: 

"....I live in Redwood Ca, 6000 feet, my ejection factor on my heart was
down to about 23% and I was forced off of the mountain, I had to go down
down to Hemmet, California, last winter due to the fact that I couldn't
breath up here... and down there I felt fantastic. But I was introduced
to Over the Counter Natural Cures book by a lady down there, so I started
taking the hawthorn extra and in two months I was feeling so good that I
was able to move back up to 6000 feet. I'm 80 years old and I have had
heart problems for 20 years, 5 way bypass 19 years ago, but I got off all
the meds, they just did not work for me. My last eco cardiogram went from a
low 20 to 45% percent over the top and I'm feeling fantastic!" 

How strong is your heart?

How strong do you want it to be?

Well, if you're living the good life and want to keep it that way, better
make it Cardio FX strong. Otherwise, you too might become a part of the
heart medication saga, that will carry on thanks to profit.

Buy a 3-pack of Cardio-FX now and Ill take off 15%!

Preserve your heart and entire cardiovascular system with this ultra-potent
heart cure at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. After taking a chance with Cardio FX, this is what one fan emailed

"It was about 10 years ago that I first discovered all that Shane had to
offer. I was 35 years old, on blood pressure medication that I knew
subconsciously I should not or did not need. I was tired all of the time,
gaining weight and getting nowhere. I approached my doctor as to how I
could eventually get off the drug. Without even turning around to look me
in the eye, he shook his head and mumbled something about never! At that
moment I knew I was literally being swindled. I was visiting his office
routinely, every 3 months, and realized I was his meal ticket. He didn’t
care to help me get off the drug, only that I show up to my regular
appointments. My daughter, who was five years old at the time, was showing
me how she was learning how to read. To my own horror, I fell asleep as
she was reading to me. That moment sent me in search of a natural cure. I
came across Shane and read everything he had written up until that point. I
immediately ordered his CardioFX, stopped the blood pressure medication,
and began to live again. Besides controlling my blood pressure, I was no
longer lethargic and falling asleep on precious moments. Thank you Shane
for fighting for the truth to be told!"

Get your life back at