Subject: Too Much Sugar?

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Make Your Heart “Stroke-Proof” with CardioFX!

If you cling to bad habits for too long, you will sink.

Nobody escapes the rules of life...But every now and then, somebody barely misses tragedy thanks to smart choices.

Like many individuals, Ava’s husband Steve had an addiction to sugar. The average American eats over 100lbs of it per year! Our healthier ancestors only 10lbs.

Steve was 66 years old and tended to eat whatever he pleased, including ice cream on a regular basis. On top of that, he’d been indulging in a 50-year smoking habit. Ava recalled: “He would eat whatever he wanted, regardless of the many times I lectured him on better eating habits.”

Steve only took a few supplements here and there. On the surface, he appeared to be fine. But Ava knew he was headed for trouble. All the signs were there. “He has been a walking time bomb for years but has had good health.”

In a recent email, Ava sent me his tragic story that comes with a promising ending.

Her Husband Loved Ice Cream So Much, It Was Only a Matter of Time Before His Arteries Hardened and He Had a Stroke…

"For decades I have researched and read many books on natural medicine, including your book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures,” Ava said. “In fact, Steve also read your book when it came out, but sadly didn't make any changes."

“One day in April 2013, my husband came back from a business trip by plane (1+hour flight) and 36 hours later woke up at 5:00 am with a stroke. He had trouble getting out of bed and walking. I asked him if he was okay. He told me he must have slept wrong on his left side, because it was not functioning right. I noticed he was walking with his left side hanging down. He was speaking like he had a marble in his mouth. He was drooling and his face was even hanging down on one side."

"I asked him questions and some of his answers were confused,” Ava explained. “He also felt numbness and some loss of use of his hand, leg, and foot. He couldn't hold things. At that point, I knew he had suffered from a stroke."

Flooding the Brain with Oxygen Can Save a Stroke Victim’s Life

"At the time,” Ava said, “we did not have insurance. We did not call an ambulance nor go to the emergency room. As soon as I realized we were dealing with a stroke, I knew I had to immediately do whatever I could to flood his body with oxygen.”

[Note: When you suffer from a stroke, a condition known as ischemia - fancy word for suffocation - set in and deprives the body of oxygen. The less oxygen the victim has, the worse off they become.]

“I gave Steve cayenne. I went through all my supplements, giving him garlic, grapeseed extract, hawthorn, curcumin, coconut oil and humic/fulvic liquid minerals to get him through the coming days.”

Having read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, which teaches all about artery/heart disease, Ava did not hesitate to place an order for CardioFX – my heart-strengthening supplement that provides ridiculously amazing support for your cardiovascular system.

While waiting for the shipment to arrive, Ava continued giving Steve the other supplements as outlined in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. She reported: “He was somewhat better over the next few days. But the greatest steady improvement I saw, was when he went on the CardioFX!"

CardioFX Enabled Ava’s Husband to Make a Full Recovery After His Stroke!

Thanks to CardioFX, Ava’s husband is now 99% recovered. Why? Because this powerful supplement is filled with 4-heart strengthening ingredients that increase your body’s oxygen intake, soothe inflammation, and clear out blood clots.

It’s the best product on the market for keeping your blood pressure normal. CardioFX is created through state-of-the art compounding methods to ensure that all the active ingredients are extracted properly and in the strongest dose. (No other supplement company in the world is doing this!)

“CardioFX is a Godsend,” Ava exclaimed, “and I have no doubt that it has greatly helped heal my husband. As our financial situation improves, I plan to order several other of your products.”

The best part about this story is that Steve’s health has completely reversed. “To talk with him or look at him, you would never know he had a stroke,” Ava said. “He still has a tiny bit of numbness sensation at times in his left hand and that is just about gone now. He has quit smoking and I’ve gotten him to make major dietary changes, including cutting his sugar consumption way down. He won't fully let go of the sugar yet, but at least he’s not consuming it daily. It’s much, much less. He gave up the ice cream, and all of this made a full recovery possible.”

For Steve, having a stroke served as a massive wake-up call. Fortunately, he’s not permanently confined to a wheel chair or hospital bed, like many stroke victims are. But things could have turned out much worse for him. (Imagine if his wife hadn’t been there.)

Ava and Steve are now both using CardioFX. They wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise. They’ve seen the measurable results first hand. They’ve learned that when properly designed, Mother Nature provides the best best medicine.

Don’t Wait for a Scary Wake-Up Call to Force YOU to Take Better Care of Your Heart

Hopefully this story inspires you to stop being irresponsible with your heart health. For your family’s sake, start taking CardioFX as soon as possible – so you can begin strengthening your cardiovascular system now.

You might THINK you’re healthy, but so did Steve – and he ended up waking up one morning, unable to use the left side of his body.

You might THINK you can get away with a few more years of eating sugary, artery-clogging junk food, but I promise your habits will catch up to you sooner than you expect.

Do the right thing. Take measures to protect yourself from the sudden inability to move your own limbs. Begin stroke-proofing your body now. at

Flood your system with oxygen so you can live free from the dastardly consequences of poor habits at

Nobody escapes bad habits...And lets face it, if you don't know you have bad habits, it's damn hard to fix them! For instance, for years I've been warning about highly processed, omega-3 fish oils.

Just yesterday researchers warned that its' use was associated with a drastic increase in prostate cancer...Few people know that taking omega-3 oils is hurting them - just like very few people know that CardioFX can bulletproof your cardiovascular system.

I'm trying to fix this! If you order a 3-pack of CardioFX today at, I'll send you a 4-disk set titled Secret Health Files, FREE!

This is a $97 value. I made it to help people learn everything they need to know about bad habits, medicine and supplements! You can learn more about it at

Send your CardioFX receipt to and I'll get this lifesaving education out to you RIGHT AWAY!

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at