Subject: ~Thyroid Meds Causing These Side Effects?


If you’re overweight, chances are your doctor has tried to get you on
thyroid meds.

Using slick language that only a seasoned con artist could come up
with…doctors lust at the thought of persuading you that thyroid meds are
worth a shit.


How many decades will women be forced to choke down these meds
before people realize they don't work?

As a former chemist for Big Pharma, I've seen first hand how hard it is
for Big Pharma to get rid of prescribing habits! Heck, after learning
Tamoxifen actually caused cancer, they refused to stop prescribing it
as a cancer cure!

You think they care that thyroid meds dont work?

Don’t fall for the scam.

If you’re fat, thyroid meds aren’t the answer…The REAL reason why
you’re fat is revealed in Chapter 11 of my book, Over-The-Counter Natural
Cures: Expanded Edition.


This book even helped a 75-year-old woman named Mary lose 7 pounds in two

She read my book and posted her review on Amazon (Along with 340 other
5-star reviews!):

"This book literally changed my life. I had been put on two medications.
One for thyroid and the other for high blood pressure. As time went on, I
went from a size 8 to a size XX LARGE. I went on every diet you could think
of and never lost anything but money spent. My blood pressure meds created
severe itching, and a rash that seem to never go away. The doctor changed
my meds but all that did was add swelling of my feet.”

“When I found this book, I thought what do I have to lose?” Mary
continues. “I have learned so much from this book and it has make my life
more healthy and my husband’s as well. After taking what Shane suggested
(natural herbs and diet change), I gradually took myself off all medicines.
It took two weeks to wean myself off. I no longer itch, my feet don't swell
and no more rashes, plus I have lost 7 lbs. in two weeks. I continue to use
his advice and have changed my lifestyle. I'm 75 years old and haven't felt
this good in years.” - Mary R.

I don’t know who Mary is, but her testimonial proves you’re never too
old to live young!

It also proves that prescription drugs do nothing more than riddle you with side
effects and make you feel like shit!

You see, feeling like shit is not a side effect of aging, it’s a side
effect of YOUR MEDS!

All the drugs did was make Mary feel horrible, swell her feet and make her skin
crawl. Does that sound like a f@#$ing weight loss solution to you?!?!?

Ditch the thyroid meds. Better yet, if you’re not on them, don’t let
your doctor con you into getting hooked on them in the first place.

Instead, read Chapter 11 of my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures.
You’ll discover the REAL reason why you’re fat, and what to do about

If 75-year-old Mary can lose 7 pounds in two weeks and trash her meds, then
you can lose weight too.

No more excuses.

Shed all the fat you want by following the guidelines in Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures — order the book here:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Is your doctor trying to get you on thyroid meds because you’re fat?
Avoid such meds at all costs! All they’ll do is make you even fatter
(sorry). Learn the truth about why you're fat, and what to do about it, by
reading Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. Buy here:

P.S.S. Want the ultra-potent, yerba mate based fat burner? Get it at