Subject: ~Thwarting Cancer and Alzheimers (Sale Ends 2 Hours!)


Since the launch of my interview with Dr. Ajay Goel, I've slashed
the price of my turmeric-based (AKA curcumin) multi-vitamin, Daily Dose,
by a massive 20%.

I don't want anyone to be left out.

This discount ends in 2 short hours due to short supply.

Dr. Ajay Goel, Ph.D., is a cancer researcher, and director of Baylor
University’s Center for Gastrointestinal Research. He sat down with
me to share his interest and findings about curcumin. Growing up in
poverty-stricken India, he always wondered why the United States has
such a high cancer rate, while India remains relatively free from it.

In 2008, Dr. Goel published his research in Biochemical Pharmacology,
showing that this ancient spice had numerous uses against cancer and
even Alzheimers Disease. The journal wrote that, "clinical trials suggest
a potential therapeutic role for curcumin in diseases such as familial
adenomatous polyposis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis,
colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, hypercholesteremia, atherosclerosis,
pancreatitis, psoriasis, chronic anterior uveitis and arthritis. Thus,
curcumin, a spice once relegated to the kitchen shelf, has moved into the
clinic and may prove to be "Curecumin."

This sentiment was echoed in the interview when he told me that, "Turmeric
is a great anti-inflammatory. In my lab we are finding that this enables it
to be a great cancer fighter. In fact, we should start thinking of cancer
as “inflammation that can be treated,” not cancer that is automatically
deadly. Boswellic acid from frankincense is another botanical that
activates anti-inflammatory mechanisms that complement turmeric and
boosts its health properties, especially for prevention of Alzheimer’s

The medical community has ignored these findings for over a decade and
continue to bombard patients with toxic chemotherapy.

The best way to avoid the onslaught is to not get cancer in the first place.
Start protecting yourself with Daily Dose at

Sale ends in 2 hours...or in reality, 1 hour and fifty minutes!

Hurry and stock up at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Daily Dose is the only turmeric rich product that doesn't have any fillers,
flow agents and preservatives! It's also unique in that delivers memory-protecting
boswellic acids and more! Get it now for a huge savings at