Subject: This worked better than prescription sleep pills!

Powerful Sleep Supplement Permanently Removes All “Sleeping Difficulties” by Triggering “REM Sleep”Hormones

Stephanie is a 27-year-old who is way too young to be having sleeping troubles. And yet poor sleep has plagued her for as long as she can remember.

“I feel like I can't turn my mind off in order to sleep,” she says. “I constantly wake up and never feel like I’m ever in a deep sleep. As a child I had bad, bad dreams that continued into my adult years. I dream constantly, so much that I can't ever solidly fall asleep.”

Stephanie isn’t alone in her plight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one third of Americans sleep less than 7 hours a night – and many of them have difficulty concentrating and remembering things, because they’re so tired during the day.

Sleep deprivation is such a serious problem that it’s been described as a “public health epidemic.” Exhausted consumers are turning to over-the-counter sleep aids that prove to be unhelpful – but where else can they turn?

In an effort to alleviate her sleeping difficulties, Stephanie sought guidance from the experts.

She Couldn’t Sleep to Save Her Life – and Doctors Were Clueless!

“I’ve been to numerous practitioners,” Stephanie says. “The MDs suggested sleeping pills with seriously scary side effects – like sleep walking! No thank you! The nutritionist suggested a mountain of pills that broke the bank. Still no sleep. Then the infamous diagnosis of ‘STRESS’ came into the picture. I'm sorry, but that's almost insulting. I am very happy in life and am quite the problem solver. Stress is ridiculous to me.”

Most doctors are pre-programmed to default every health problem to prescription drugs. It didn’t surprise me when Stephanie told me her MD’s suggestion was to load her body with costly, dangerous sleep meds...And blame her inability to sleep on “stress.”

What a SHAM!  

That just speaks to how backwards the health care system is.

Luckily, Stephanie found a fast way to got OFF the crazy route to “Expensive Side Effect Land.”

The People’s Chemist Helps the Exhausted Get Much Needed Rest

“I first heard about The People’s Chemist through a friend who had read one of his books,” says Stephanie. “I heard about some of the work Shane was doing, exposing the effects of pharmaceutical drugs. This interested me quite a bit. So I looked him up and found The People's Chemist website. I subscribed to the newsletter and loved Shane's no bullshit attitude. Little by little, I started trying the products and loved them.”

“I heard about Serotonin FX,” says Stephanie. “It took me a while to decide to try it, as I had sworn off many sleep aids – but I’m so thankful I did! The first night, I was skeptical because of the smell of it. But that had to have been the best night’s sleep of my life!”

“I started taking Serotonin FX every night for several weeks. I discovered I had more energy and happiness! I realized that my energy had been squashed by all those years of lack of sleep. I had learned to function on such little energy, it became normal. I never realized how valuable good sleep is to your health!”

Sleep is the #1 Key to a Youthful Life

Until they get a good night’s sleep, most people have no idea what they’re missing. They assume that being exhausted all the time is just the norm. They assume dragging their feet and being in “zombie mode” due to poor sleep is how life was meant to be.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Human beings were meant to have tons of energy and to live young for as long as possible. Don’t let poor sleep rob you of high energy or high quality of life!

The People’s Chemist Earns Yet Another Satisfied Customer

After hearing all the nonsense and confusing recommendations given by doctors, Stephanie finally found her answer – the one supplement that eliminated her sleeping problems for good was Serotonin FX.

“I don't have to take Serotonin FX every night,” she says. “Just a few times a week keeps me sleeping sound!”

When you try Serotonin FX like Stephanie did, you’ll start sleeping better than you ever have. You’ll ask yourself why you didn’t try it sooner.  That’s because it REPROGRAMS the brain to produce deep sleep hormones, naturally and safely.

No other sleep pill is as safe or effective.

Stephanie uses several of my products. “Out of all of them,” she says, “I've had the most raving success with Serotonin FX.”

She loves my products so much, she now gives some of them to her family as Christmas gifts. That says a lot.  When you find something as good as Serotonin FX, you just can’t help but share it with everyone!

Click here get deep, restful sleep that rejuvenates your entire body and mind, while keeping you young – with Serotonin FX. 

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Shane Ellison
The People’s Chemist