Subject: ~This will make your joints younger


Since day one as The People’s Chemist, I’ve received a steady stream of
hate mail. 2016 is shaping up to be more of the same.

Mario writes in to say, “I don't doubt that your product are good.
Actually I am sure you are selling good products, but they are simply too
expensive. You call yourself The Peoples Chemist? You should call
yourself The Rich Peoples Chemist. Thanks for being a jerk and putting
high prices on your products!”

I had to edit so that you could actually understand what Mario
was trying to say. Otherwise, it was just another run on sentence from a
guy who should've paid more attention in high school English.

If Mario knew how to read, he’d find my book, Over-The-Counter Natural
Cures Expanded, which outlines more than 10 lifesaving supplements for
under $10. It's perfect for people who want to buy a Ford over the Lexus of
nutritional supplements....

You see, during my spare time I love to bleed out sentences to
publish books that I personally don’t need, myself. In fact, one of my
favorite things to do - other than getting my wife naked - is to dumb down
decades of chemistry so that the Marion Morons of the world can find
suitable products to live young, on a budget.

I get it. Not everyone can buy the Bentley of nutritional supplements.
Hence, my book Marion!

Meanwhile, 2016 has just begun and I can promise the same thing I’ve
always promised:

My products work fast enough (and safe enough) to demand prices that
protect my lifestyle-of-the-not-so-rich-or-famous. (They're also priced less
than all others since you don't have to use as often and...well because

Like Justin C., who wrote in:

“Hi Shane, I don’t know who’s sending you nasty grams, but all
you’re going to get from me is a high five and a thank you. I just got my
Joint FX yesterday in the mail ( After taking only two
doses, I can tell a difference in my knees, one of which is 5 months post
operation (meniscus repair and removal of 8 free bodies). It was well worth
the wait. Keep up the good work and never mind the douchebag nasty

Well said, Justin.

By the way, “loose body in the knee joint” is a term that refers to
small fragments of cartilage or bone that move freely around the knee in
joint fluid, or synovium.


These fragments can cause damage to the articular cartilage, and may lead
to osteoarthritis in the long-term. (Taking synthetic vitamin D via a
multi-vitamin or tablet can cause this very thing!)

Otherwise, Joint FX is the sure fire way to soothe damaged, over-used,
arthritic joints! And in many cases, surgery can even be avoided.

It's been my go-to supplement for over a decade to keep my joints young
and durable.

And if you’re not sure whether to order Joint FX…read what another fan
sent in!

Cherie F. wrote:

“Shane, just want you to know I recently ran out of Joint FX. I was
feeling really good and didn’t reorder. After a while, my joints started
to cause a lot of pain and discomfort. I was feeling MISERABLE and
wondered what was happening to me? Then I remembered — duh, I
hadn't been taking Joint FX. I learned my lesson. I won’t ever run out
again. Thanks Shane!”

See why I don’t have time for haters?

Too busy helping people live young…and that starts with having young,
healthy joints that can move freely, without pain.

Try your first bottle of Joint FX (or re-order so you don’t run out) at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. My store will be closing down in a few days to allow my warehouse and
lab valuable time to catch up! Believe it! Stock up before it’s too late:

P.S.S Joint FX is the safe and effective, non-toxic alternative to the liver
and kidney killers - aspirin, Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Get it here: